Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

ItAtttlittiAtitlif,MM ARequeft to the Rich. dli! Book was intended for the ofe ofPoor Families which have nei- ther money to buy met/2y, nor time to read them: I much defired therefore to have made itfhortcr; But I could not do it, without leaving out that, which I think they cannot well gare. That which vs goken accurately and in few words, the ignorant underfland not : .end that which is large, they have neither money leifure nor memory to make their own. Being unavoidably in thisflreiçht, the frrfl remedy /yeti) inyour hands I humbly propole it to you for the fouis ofmen, and the comfort ofyour own, and the common good, on the behalf of Chrifi, the Saviour ofyour fouls and theirs, that you will be- flowone Book (either this or force fitter) upon u many poor families as you well can. if every Landlord would give one to every poor Tenant that helath, once in h s life, out of one years i 3 rent,