ebe Pow fflttno faaliïp 53 MtittAMMOMOAMAr The Second layes Conference. of the Converfion ofa Sinnerv4hat it ? .SpeaLeri. Paul, A Teacher. 1 Saul, A Learner. Paul. / '. Ell Neighbour ; Have yetri examined your felf by the wordofGod,ftnce I law you as I direc`ed you_? Saul. I have done what Ican in it: P. Andwhat do you think now of your cafe, upon trval ? S. I think it is much ¡role than 'had hoped it was ; and as bad as you feared : When t firft read the pro- miles to all, that Believe in Cbrif, I wai ready again to hope that .1 was fafe: But when 'I read further, I. found that it was as you had told me ; and that I had none of Chrets Spirit and therefore am none off .11,, ; and that I am not a P(nitent Convert, and am not its a State' of life.But I now II cob you S.r, rp'n my E 3 ksters'