eDe Poo?Matio famíipT600ti. 55 may have all thefe Bleßings Of the Covenant of Grace, is butfincerely to (g) Believe and Confent, and give up your [elfin Covenant to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghoft and continue true to the Covenant which you make. Read over thefe five points well, and confider of them : and then tell mewhether this be not glad tidings to an undone miferable firmer ?-- - Have you read them over ? S. 1have read them : And 1 perceive that they are glad tidings of hope indeed. Rut truly Sir, I have heard the Goffrel fo carelefly, that 1 do not throughly sanderfland thefe things ;And therefore intreat you to open them to me more fully andplainly. P. I know you were Baptized is your infancy ; which was your priviledge, being entred by your Pa- rents into the Covenant of God. But their Confent and. Dedication, Will ferve your turn no longer than till you come to age and natural capacity to confent and Cove- nant for your fell Tell me then,have you ever foberly confidered what your Baptiftn was, and what Covenant was then made betwixt God and you ? And have you ferioully renewed that Covenant your fell, and fo given up your felf to God ? S. Alas, 1never either feriauflyconfïdered or renew- ed it ; But 1 thought I was made a Chritian by it, and was fu jacientiy regenerated, and Tny fns done away, and that 1 was a Child of God and an heir of Heaven. P. And howdid you chink all your fins fince your Baptifm were forgiven you (s).11.;at.-g. t,,.o, e71/ar.16.16. Rev.:2.17. E4 S.I