rent, it would be no great charge in comparifon of the benefit which may be hoped for, and in cornpar,ifon o fwhat Prodigality confumeth. The price of one ordinary dafh of' meat, will buy a Book : .dnd to abatefir every Tenant, but one difh inyour lives, is no great fel fdenial. If you indeed lay out all that you have better, 1 have done. If not, grudge not this little , to thepoor, and to your felves : It will be more comfortable to your review, . when the rekconing cometh, than that which is ffrent on Pomp , and ceremony, and (uperfluities, and fefhly pleafures. AndilLandlords (nhofe power with their Te Hants is ufually great) would alfo require them f riorfy'to read it (at leafi on the Lords dayes) it may farther the fuccefs. .And I hope rich citizens, and Ladies, and richYeomen, who can- not tbem(elvesgo talk to poor families, will rend tbent fuck a mmejè this, or fore fitter Book, to rnfirrtt them, Peeing no Preacher can begot at (ocheap a rate. The Father offjririts , and the Redeemer of fouls, perfmade and a fi lys A to workwhile it is d,áys and ferve hts Love sand Grace, for our own and other wens falvatáon. Amen. Your humble. Monitor, Avg, 26, 1672, rAjc%. 5'axter.