------...... 64 be IpoN Ir ano ;amíip ISoot. and Creator. This Law, is the Lawof Nature, and the Commands ofChriftfuperadded in the Gof»el, fet toge- ther. The (f) Law of Nature is the' whole Nature and Order of all things in the world, and / ecially of man himfelf,as itfignifieth the will of God about mans dutyand his rewardor punifhment. The fpecial fuperadded Commands of Chrift are,that we (g) Believe in him as our Saviour, and believe all the added Articles of Faith, and hope for Life by his purchafe,and promife, and love God as his goodnefs ap- peareth in his Son andGofpel,and loveChrifts members for his fake that we pray for the Spirit of Chrift, and obey him ; and that we Obferve that Church Order, as to Miniftry, Church-afhemblies, the Lords day, the twoSacraments, publick worfhip and Dilcipline, which Chrift byhimfelf or his Spirit in his Apoftles bath com- manded us. And yet you mutt underftand 1. That the Law of Nature it filf, is much ( h ) more plainly defcribed and opened in the Holy Scripure, than you are able to read it in it felt. 2. That even thefe Gofjiel fuperadded Laws have fomewhat of a natural obligation in them , fuppofing but foregoing matters offaél (that Chrift did tl that indeed he did.) So much for your Rule. IV. The Degree of Obedience which is your Duty, is indeed (i) Perfection without further fin : But your daily Infirmities have a pardon : And therefore the (DPfal.19.1,2136-C. F071).1.19,20. ROm.2.(g) 70h. 1,12.6- 6.29.0 16.27.& 17.1,2,3. job. 3. 16,17.&4.9,Tit.3.4.Luk,II.I3.& 10.1.6. Pleb. 137, 17.1 ;chef5.12.1 Cor.16.16.(h)Pra1.19.7,8,9,Io.1oh. 1.8,9, I O. & 3.19, 20, 2z.(i) Mats. 48. Pfal.19.7. ;,Cor.7 Fnh,q.I2..FPl.32.z,2. eMatt.6.33 Degree