CO Poo/ :r ano famííp l5ook. 6s Degree ofObedience neceffary to your Salvation is but that it be fincere, that is, That as to the predominant bent of your Heart and Life, you truly ' obey your Creatorand Redeemer,and make this the chieftrade or bufinefs,which you live for and manage in the world. V. I muff alfu add, that in all this you muff fill remember, that i. the Devil, and 2. the World, 3. but above all your own (k,) Plefbly mind and appetite, will be thegreat Enemies of all this Holinefs and obe- dience : And therefore you muff underftand their en mity and the danger of it . and refolve by Gods grace, to Renounce them, and Refill them as your En.rnies to the laft. And though only fincerity is neceffary to f lvation yet, i. You have not fincerity unlefs you have a (t defire and endeavour after PerfeIlion. z. And agreater degree of holinefs 4 neceffary to a great degree of Glory. S. Alas Sir, IPall never Remember d this.' P. You may fee then how foolifhly you have done, to lofe your time in Child-hood and Youth, which fhould have been fpent in learning the Will of God , and the way to your Salvation. If you had morning andnight defiroufly meditated on thefe things, and read Gods word, and asked Counfel ofyour Teachers, and learn'd Catechifms, and read good Books, and if you had markt well what you heard at Church, and had fpent all the Lords Dayes in fuch work as this, which you fpent in play and idlenefs and vain talk, you might have been acquained familiarly with all this and (k) Rom. 8.á,6,7,8,t3.Gal.5.t7,(l1) P1a1.r 19.1, ?,3 4.05 1,23. more,