68 Vale Po0t fflano famíip13ook. did but Tempt you to fin, but never did nor could compel you : But it is you that have wilfully finned your fell, and fold your foul, as'Efau his birthright, for a morfel; for a pleafant cup or game,or for a tuft or filthy pleafure, and for a thing that's worfe than no- thing. Was it not Tou, evenPouyour felf, that forgot your dod, negle&ed your Saviour, refitted the holy Spirit, refufed fanetifying Grace, defpifed Heaven, and fet more by this dirty world ? Was it not You your felf that loved not Holinefs, nor a holy God, nor the holy Scriptures, nor holy perfons, nor holy thoughts, or words, or ways ? that loft your precious Time ; and omitted almoft all your duty, and run intoa mul- titude of fins? And if the Devil ftudied his worft to hurt ;you, what could he do more, than to tempt you unto in ? If you had been a fworn enemy to your felt, andplotted how to do your felt the greateít mil_ chief, what couldyoudoworfe, than to fin and run on Gods difpteafure ? Which is the way to the Gallows,. but bybreaking the Law, by murder, felony, or the like ? andwhich is the way to Hell, but Loving fin,' and refufing Grace ? And yet are you a Lover of your felf? S. ill this is too true : And yet I am flare that I love myfelf: Holy thencomer all this to pals :e P. You Love your felf with a Senftive Love, that goeth all byfenfe, and little by Peonfen, much lefs by Faith. As a Swine loveth himfelf when he is burfting his belly with Whey, ma Rat when he is eating Rats- bane. You love your Appetite, but you have little careofyour Soul : You love your felf : but you love not that which is Good for your fclf, As a fick man loveth his life, but abhorreth his mear andmedicine. In-