Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

SPe pow :yano fatnílp 'Zook, 69 Indeed God hath planted a Love to our felves fo deep in nature that no man can choofe but Love hitn- felf: And therefore in the Commandments the Love of God and our Neighbour only are expreffed; and the Love of our felves is prefuppofed. But Chrifl know- ing what deftroyers men are of themfelves, and forfa- kers of their own falvation, doth call upon finners to Love, Care and Labour for their own fouls. Thefe thingscon}un&ly make upmans enmity againft his own falvation. i . The foul hath loft much of the knowledge of its own excellency in its higher faculties. z. Its Love to it fell as Ratonal is dulled, and want_ eth furring up. 3. It is inordinately fallen in Love with it Pelf ,as fenftive, and its lower faculties. 4. It doteth on all fenfual objeLts that are delightful. 5. It is as dead andaverle to thofenoble ftiiritual higher objects inwhich it mull be happy. And in this fenfe, Man is his owngreatefl enemy. I the rather fpeak all this to you on this point, be- caute your very Repentance conrfteth in being angry with your fell, and falling out with and even loathing your felf for your fins, and your felf-undoing. And till you come to fee what you have done againff your felt, you will never come to that true humiliation and felf-diftruft as is needful to your falvation. And alto becaufe that it is here and here only that your fafety and happinefs is like to click for the time to come. Do but as a man that loveth Himfelf, and you are fafe. God intreateth you to have mercy on your flf. He bath refolved on what terms he will have mercy upon finners : They are unchangeably fet down in his Go- fpel. And finners will not yield unto his terms. Though they be no harder, than, r0 Receive his Gifts accoreiing is their nature, men will not be intreated too F ; lie-eiáe