Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

78 ine poo? fo.mfipZoaet. Creatures, birds and beafts do love their Companions, for likenefs ofkind,and from fociablenefs and acguain- rance. Have you not loved an ignorant worldling, a prophane (wearer, a derider of holinefs, who loved youand fpake well of you, and took your part, and did you many friendly Offices, better than a wife and godly perfon that never did any thing for you, or that had low thoughtsof your wit and honefty, though no worfe than indeed you did deferve ? S. I Cannon deny but you defcribe me rightly. P. And did you never dishonour your Governours, Prince or Parents ? Did you never leek to hurt another, nor defire revenge ? Did you never, deceive your Neighbour nor wrong him any way in his eftate ? Did you never belie nor (lander him , or backbite him, nor falfly accule him, nor feek to make him odious or contemptible to others ? Did you never envy him, nor Covet his eftate, or honours, nor Peek to draw any thing fromHim toyour [elf ? If you did, what love was in all this butfelf-love ? Nay what labour and Coll have you been at to fave the fouls of mifcrable (inners, or to relieve their bodies? And he (i) that feeth his brother have need, and fhutteth up the bowels of his Compaffion from him, how dwelleth the Love of God in him ? At what rates, and with what condefcenfion, Self-denial and diligence have you (hewed your Neighbours, that you love tl?em? 2. At leaf(bath it been with any fuch Love as you loveyourfell ? How eafily can you bear your Neigh- bours wrongs, reproaches, Randers, poverty, f;,knefs,. (i) F 70h.3.17. & in