8o to pow .,. r ano fatniip S. Hefaidajhort prayer, and laid his hand on my bead, which I tookto be his biding, but what he faid I know not : But lfaid not a word to him. P. Did he not examine you of your Knowledge, and Faith, and Repentance, and whether you have kept your Baptifmal Covenant, and now Confent to it ? S. Not a word : We were all Children that kneeled down to him, andhad his bleffing, and we knew no more : Only now you remember me, I heard him tell one at age that went before us, that we muff ßandto the 'Co- venant that we made in Bapt: fm : But little did I know or confider what that Covenant was : Nor could I havegiven any other account if I had been exami- med, but only that I could fay the Creed, the Lords prayer and the Ten Commandments ; though I under- Rand them not. P. Ifyou will read the Church Liturgy about Con- firmation, you will fee that, i. You íhould have been able to fay all the Church Catechifm a. And that you fhould have had the Curates certificate thereof; 3. And that being come to years of difcretion, and having Learned what was promifed for you in Baptifm, you, fhould yûur felf with your own mouth and confent ra- tifre and confirm thefame : and alfo promife that by the grace ofGod you will evermore endeavour your felf faithfully to offertre it. And the Bifhop I fuppofe, though you underftood him not, did put this queftion to you, [Doyou here in the prefence of God and this Congregation Renew the Solemn Promife and Vow that was made in your name at your Baptifm ; Rati- fying and confirming the fame in your own perfans, and acknowledging your felves bound to believe and to do all thole things, which your Godfathers and God- mothers theìt undertook. for you 1] And you Were to fay