Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

4 PREFACE. pastor, my studies were interrupted by a signal revival of the work of God among the people of my charge. Whatever delay has attended the publication, has been caused by this happy inter- ruption. Now reader, let these devout and searching treatises have that attention which they deserve. Read to learn what truth is, and to receive the truth in love ; to learn what duty is, and to do it. NewHAVEN, Oct. 28, 1831. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Grateful for the favor with which these volumes have been re- ceived, I have endeavored tomake them in this second edition more worthy of that favor. TheLife has been carefully revised, and has been somewhat enlarged by more copious extracts from Baxter's own records. Additions have been made to the selections, amount- ing in all to nearly three hundred pages. New HAVEN, Dec. 9, 1834,