CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. THE LIFE OF RICHARD BAXTER. Page. PART I. From his birth, to thebeginning of thecivil war in 1641, 9 PART II. From the beginning of the war, to the time of his leaving the army, 56 PART III. From his return to Kidderminster, to the year 1660, . 79 PART IV. From theyear 1660, to the year 1665, . . . 138 PART V. From the year 1665, to his death, . . . 188 THE RIGHT METHOD FOR ASETTLED PEACE OF CONSCIENCE AND SPIRITUAL COMFORT. Epistle Dedicatory, . . . . 229 To the Poor in Spirit, . , . . . . . 233 The Case to'be Resolved, . . . . 242 DIRECT. I. Discover the cause of your trouble, 243 DIRECT. II. Discover well howmuch of your trouble is frommelancholy or from outward crosses, and apply the remedy accordingly, 244 DIRECT. III. Lay first in your understanding sound and deep apprehensions of God's nature. 248 DIRECT. IV. Getdeep apprehensions of the gracious nature andoffice of the Mediator, . 253 DIRECT. V. Believe and consider the full sufficiencyof Christ's sacrifice and ransom for all, 255 DIRECT. VI. Apprehend the freeness, fullness and universality of the law of grace,or conditional grant of pardon and salvation to all men, . 255 DIRECT. VII. Understand the difference between general grace and special; . and between the possibility, probability, conditional certainty, and abso- lute certainty of your salvation ; and so between the several degrees of comfort that these may afford, . . . 256 DIRECT. VIII. Understand the nature of saving faith, . 262 DIRECT. IX. Next, performthe condition, by actual believing, 265 DIRECT. X. Next, review your own believing, and thence gather farther assurance, . . 269 DIRECT. XI. Make use, in trial, of nonebut infallible signs, 278 DIRECT. XII. Knowthat assurance of justification cannot begathered from the least degree of saving grace, . . . 293 DIRECT. XIII. The first time of our receiving or acting saving grace, cannot ordinarily be known, 300 DIRECT. XIV. Know thatassurance is not theordinary lot oftrue christians, but only of a few of thestrongest, most active, watchful andobedient, 304 DIRECT. XV. Know that even many of the stronger and more obedient, are yet unassured of salvation for want of assurance topersevere, . 310 DIRECT. XVI. There are many grounds to discover a probability of saving grace whenwe cannot yet discover a certainty; and youmust learn, next to the comforts of general grace, to receive the comfortsof the probability of special grace, before you expect or are ripe for the comforts of assurance, 312 DIRECT. XVII. Improve your own and other'sexperiences to strengthen your probabilities, . . . . . 316 DIRECT. XVIII. Know that Godbath not commanded you to believe that you do believe, nor that you arejustified, or shall be saved (but onlyconditional- ly,) and therefore your assurance is not acertainty properlyof Divine faith, 319 DIRECT. XIX. Know that those few that do attain to assurance, have it not constantly, . . . 327 DIRECT. XX. Never expect somuch assurance on earth asshall set you above all possibility of the loss of heaven, and above all apprehensions ofdanger, 328 DIRECT. XXI. Be glad of a settled peace, and look not too much after rap- tures and strong feelings of comfort; and if you have such, expect not a constancyofthem, . . . . . . , 335