Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

CONTENTS. 7 Page. 17. He preferreth the means ofhis holiness and happiness,incomparably be- fore all provisions and pleasures of the flesh, . 501 18. He is crucified to the world, and the world tohim, by the cross of Christ, and contemneth it through the belief of the greater things of the life to come, 502 19. He foreseeth the end in all his ways, and judgeth of all things as theywill appear at last, 503 20. He liveth upon God alone, and is content with hisfavor and approbation, without the approbation and favor of men, . 505 21. Hehath absolutely devoted himself, and all that he bath, to God, tobe used according to his will, . . . . . . 507 22. Hehath a readiness to obey, and a quick and pleasant compliance of his will to the will of God, 508 23. He delighteth himself more inGod, and heaven, and Christ, and holiness, than in all the world ; religion is not tedious and grievous to him, 509 24. He is conscious of his own sincerity, and assured of his justification,and title toeverlasting joys, . . 513 25. This assurancedothnot make him more careless and remiss,but increas- eth hislove and holy diligence, . 514 26. Yet he abhorreth pride as the first-born of the devil, and is very Iow and vile in his own eyes,and can easily endure to be low and vile in the eyes of others, , 515 27. Being acquainted with the deceitfulness of the heart, and the methods of temptation, he liveth asamong snares, and enemies, and dangers, in a con- stant watch; and can conquer many and subtle, and great temptations (through grace), 516 28. He path counted what it may cost him to be saved, and hath resolved not tostick at suffering, but to bear the cross and be conformed tohis crucified Lord, and hath already in heart forsaken all for him, . 517 29. He is not a Christian only for company or carnal ends, or upon trust of other men's opinions, and therefore wouldbe true to Christ, if his rulers, his teachers, his company, and all that heknoweth should forsake him, 520 30. He can digest thehardest truths of Scripture, and the hardestpassages of God'sprovidence, 521 31. He can exercise allhis graces in harmony, without neglecting one to use another, or setting one against another, 521 32. He ismore in getting andusing grace, than in inquiring whether he have it, (though he do that also in its place), 522 33. He studieth duty more than events, and is more careful what he should be towards God, thanhow heshall herebe used by him, 523 34. He ismore regardful of his duty to others, than of theirs to him, and had much rather suffer wrong than do it, . 523 35. He keepeth up a constant government of his thoughts, restraining them from evil, and using themupon God, and for him, . . 525 36. He keepeth a constant government over his passions, so far as that they pervert not his judgment, his heart, his tongue or actions, . 526 37. He governethhis tongue, employing it for God, andrestraining it from evil, 527 38. Heart-work and heaven -work are the principal matters of his religious discourse, and not barren controversiesor impertinences, . 528 39.' He liveth upon the common great substantialsof religion, and yetwill not deny the smallest truth, or commit the smallest sin, for any price that man can offer him, 529 40. He is a high esteemer, and careful redeemer of time, andabhorreth idle- ness and diversions which would robhim of it, 532 41. His heart isset upondoing all the good in the world that heis able: it is his dailybusiness and delight, . . 533 42. He truly loveth his neighbor ashimself, . 534 43. He hatha special love toall godly Christians as such, and such aswillnot stick at cost in its duc expressions; nor be turnedinto bitternessby tolera- ble differences 535 . 44. He forgiveth injuries, and loveth his enemies, and doth them all the good he can: from the senseofthe loveof Christ to him, . 536 45. He dothas he wouldbe doneby; andis as precise in the justice of his deal- ings with men, as in acts of piety to God, . 537