154 LIFE, OF RICHARD BAXTER. "And for my own part, I hope, by letters this very' week, to disperse the seeds of satisfaction into manycounties of England. But my conscience commanding me to make' this my very work and business, (unless the things granted should be reversed, which God forbid,) I must profess to your lordship, that I am utterly against accepting of a bishopric, as because I am conscious that it will overmatch my sufficiency, and affright nie with the remem- brance of my account for ,so great an undertaking, so specially because it will very much disable me from an'effectual promoting of 'the church's peace. As menwill question all 'my argumenta- tions and persuasives, when they see me in the dignity which I plead for, but will take me té speak my conscience impartially when I am but as one ofthem ; so I must profess to your lordship, that it will stop my own mouth, so that I cannot for shame speak half so freely as now I can, (and will, if God enable me;) for obedience andpeace, while I know that the hearers will be think- ing I am pleading for myself, . Therefore I humbly crave, 1. That your lordshipwill put some able man,,of ourpersuasion, into the place which you intend me; though I now think that, Dr. Reynolds and Mr. Calamy may better 'accept of a bishopric than I, which I hope your lordship will promote. I shall presume to offer some choice to your consideration." [Here follow the names of seventeen divines of the Presbyterian party.] 2. That you will believe that I as thankfully acknowledge your lordship's favor, as if I were by it possessed of a bishopric. And if your lordship continue in those intentions, I shall thankfully accept it in any other state or relation, that may further my service to the church and to his majesty. But I desire, for the foremen- tioned reasons, that it maybe no cathedral relation. And whereas the vicar of the parish where I have lived, will.not resign: but ac- cept me only as his curate, if your lordship would procure him some prebendary, or other place of competent profit, (for I dare not motion him to any pastoral charge, or place that requireth preaching,) that so he, might resign that vicarage tome without his loss, according to the late act, before December ; for the sake of that town of Kidderminster,I would take it as a very great favor. But if there be any great inconvenience or difficulties in theway,. I can well be content to be his curate. I crave your lordship's pardon of this trouble,, which your own condescension bath drawn upon you, and remain, "Your lordship's much obliged servant, "Nov. 1, 1660. RICH. BAXTER." "Mr. Calamy blamed me for giving in my denial alone, before we had resolved together witar'to do. But I told him the truth,