Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

184 LIFE OF RICHARD HARTER. with which date he concludes the second part of the Narrative of his life. Thirty-eight separate works of his, it will be recollected, were published before the restoration.* 39. " A Sermon of Repentance, preached before the Honora- ble House of Commons, &c., at their late solemn Fast for the Set- tlement of these Nations." 4to. published in 1660. 40. ," Right Rejoicing, &c. A Sermon preached at St. Paul's before the LordMayor and Aldermen, and the several Companies of the City of London, on May 10th, 1660, appointed by both Houses of Parliament to be a Day of solemn. Thanksgiving, &c." 4to. published in 1660. The occasions of these two sermons have already been described.-f- 41. " The Life of Faith ; as it is the Evidence of Things not seen; a Sermon preached before the King, July 22, 1660." 4to. published in 16604 42. " The successive Visibility of the Church." 12mo. publish- ed in 1660. This was one of his controversial works against the Roman Catholics. 43. " The Vain Religion of the Formal Hypocrite, and the Mischief Of an unbridled Tongue as against Religion, Rulers, or Dissenters, described in several Sermons preached at the Abbey in Westminster, before many Members of the Honorable House of Commons, 1660: And the Fool's Prosperity the Occasion of his Destruction; a Sermon preached .at Covent Garden. Both pub- lished to heal the Effects of some Hearers' Misunderstandings and Misreports." 12mo. published in Nov. 1660.§ 44. " The Last Work of a Believer : Hispassing Prayer, recom- mending his departing Spirit to Christ, to be received by him. Prepared for the Funeral of Mary, the Widow, first of Francis Charlton, Esq., and after of Thomas Hanmer, Esq." &c. 4to. published in January, 1661. This was the funeral sermon for the mother of his intended wife. 45. After the Savoy Conference, " somebody," he says, "print- ed our papers, most of them, given in to them in that treaty ; of which the petition for peace, and the ReformedLiturgy, (except a prayer for the king,) the large reply to theiranswer of our excep- tions, and the two last addresses, were my writing." This was in 1661. 46. " The Mischiefs of Self -ignorance and the Benefits of Self- acquaintance, opened in divers Sermons at Dunstan's West, and published in Answer to the Accusations of some, and the Desires of others." 8vó. published in 1661. " It was fitted," he says, " to ' See pp. 121, 137. t See p. 142. # See pp. 143, 144. § See p. 175.