Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

LIFE OF BUGHARD BAXTER. -'Z2I I had from him. There Was no man on earth whom I honored above him. It is his evangelical work that is the apostolical suc- cession which I plead for. I am now dying, I hope, as he did. It pleased me to read from himmy case. ' My understanding faileth, my memory faileth, and my 'hand andpen fail, but my charity faileth not.' That word much comforted me. I am as zealous a lover of the New England churches as any man, according to Mr. Noyes', Mr. Nortons', and Mr. Mitchel's, and the Synod's model. I love your father upon the letters which I received from him. I love you better for your learning, labors, and peaceable moderation. I love your sonbetterShan either of you, for the excellent temper that appeareth in his writings. O that godliness and wisdommay increase in all families. He hath honored himself half as much as Mi. Eliot ; I say half, as much, for deeds excel words. God preserve you and New England. Pray for your fainting, languish- ing friends RI. BAXTER:" " Aug. 3, 1691."* The sermon at Baxter's funeral was preached, as he had him self requested, by his old and tried friend, Dr. Bates. Another sermon on thesame occasion was preached to the. congregation to. which he had last ministered, by his associate in the ministry, Syl- vester. From these sermons the following particulars are selected. "He continued to preach so long," 'says Bates, "notwithstand- ing his wasted, languishing body, Chet the last time he almost died in the pulpit. It wouldhave been hisjoy to hate been'transfigured in the mount. Not long after, he felt the approaches of death, and was . cónfined to his sick bed. Death reveals the secrets of the heart; then words are spoken with most feeling and less affec- tation. This excellent saint Was the same in his life and death; his last hours were spent in preparing others and himself to appear before God. He said to his friends that visited him, ' You come hither to learn to die ; I am not the only person that must go this way. I canassure you that your whole life, be it ever so long, is little enough to prepare for death. Have a care of this vain, deceitful world, and the lusts of the flesh ; be sure you choose God for your portion, heaven for your home, God's glory for your end, his word for your rule, and then you need never fear but we shall meet with comfort.' . "Never was penitent sinner more humble and debasing himself, never was'a sincere believer more calm and comfortable." "Many times he prayed, ' God be merciful to me a sinner,' and blessed God that this was left upon record in the gospel as an effectual " Nonconformist's Memorial, Vol. III. p. 40G.