Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

226 LIFE OF RICHARD BAXTER. mained for some years. But he was so far from being moved at the unrighteous prosecution, that he joyfully said to a constant friend, ' What could I desire more of God, than after serving him to my power I should now be called to suffer for him ?' " "But his patience was more eminently tried by his continual pains and languishing. Martyrdom is a more easy way of dying, when the combat and the victory are finished at once, than to die by degrees every day. His complaints were frequent; but who ever heard an unsubmissive word drop from his lips? He was not put out of his patience, nor out of thepossession ofhimself. In his sharp pains, he said, 'I have a rational patience, and a believing patience, though sense would recoil.' "His pacific spirit was a clear character of his being a child of God. How ardently he endeavored to cement the breaches among us, which others widen and keep open, is publicly known. He said to a friend, ' I can as willingly be a martyr for love, as for any article of the creed.' It is strange to astonishment, that those who agree in the substantial and great points ofthe reformed religion, and are of differing sentiments only in things not so clear, nor of that moment as those wherein they consent, should still beopposite parties." "Love to the souls of men was the peculiar character of Mr. Baxter's spirit. In this he imitated and honored our Saviour, who prayed, died and lives for the salvation of souls. All his natural and supernaturalendowments were subservientto this bless- ed end. It'was his 'meat and drink,' the life and joy of his life, to do good to souls. Inhis usualconversation, his serious, frequent and delightful discourse was of divine things, to inflame his friends With the love of heaven. He received with tender compassion and condescending kindness, the meanest that came to him for counsel and consolation. He gave in one year a hundred pounds to buy Bibles for the poor. He has in his will disposed of all that remains of his estate, after the legacies to his kindred, for the ben- efit of the souls and bodies of the poor." Who will not join in the prayer with which Bates concludes his sermon? "May .I live the short remainder of my life as entirely to the glory of God as he lived ; and -when I shall come to the period of my life, may I die in the same blessed peace wherein he died ; may I be with him in the kingdom of light and love for- ever."