286 ot'U CTIONS POR GETTING AND KEEPING in that duty also. Yea, how many days, or weeks, or months, a true Christian may possibly neglect a knòwn duty, I will not dare to determine, (of which, more anon.) Yet such omissions as will not stand. with a sincere resolution and willingrtess to obey Christ universally (I mean an habitual willingness) will not consist with the truth of grace. vii. I know the fourth mark, about forsaking all for Christ, may seem somewhat unseasonable and harsh to propound for the quiet- ing of a troubled conscience. But yet, I durst not omit it, seeing Christ hath not omitted it ; nay, seeing he bath so urged it, and laid such a stress on it in the Scripture as he bath done, I dare not daub, nor be unfaithful, for fear of troubling. Such skinning over the wound will but prepare for more trouble and a further cure. Christ thought it meet even to tell young beginners of the worst, (though it might possibly discourage them, and did turn some back,) that they might not come to him upon mistaken expectations, and he requireth all that will be Christians, and be saved, to count their cost beforehand, and reckon what it will stand them in to be Christ's disciples; and if they cannot undergo his terms, (that ìs, to deny themselves, take up their cross, forsake all, and follow him,) they cannot be his disciples. And Christ had rather they knew it be- forehand, than to deceive themselves, or to turn back when they meet with what they never thought of, and then to imagine that Christ had deceived them, and drawn them in and done the wrong. viii. When I say in the fourth mark, that you must have asettled resolution, I mean the same thing as before I did by hearty will- ingness. But it is meeter here to call it resolution, because this is the proper name for that act of the will, which is a determina- tion of itself upon deliberation, after any wavering, to the doing or submitting to any thing as commanded. I told you it must be the prevailing act of the will that must prove you sincere : every cold, ineffectual wish will not serve turn. Christ seeks for your heart on one side, and the world, with its pleasures, profits and honors on the other side. The soul, which, upon consideration of both, doth prefer Christ in his choice, and reject the world, (as it is competitor with him,) and this not doubtingly and with reservation for further deliberation or trial, but presently passeth his consent for betterand worse, this is said to be a resolving. And I know no one word that more fitly expresseth the nature of that grace which differ- enceth a true Christian from all hypocrites, and by which a man may safely judge of his estate. ix. Yet I here add, that it must be a settled resolution ; and that to intimate, that it must be an habitual willingness or resolution. The prevalency of Christ's interest in the soul must be an habitual prevalency. If a man that is terrified by a rousing sermon, or that