292 DIREC1:IONS FOR GETTING AND KEEPING vii. 24. viii. 17, 18. 23. Heb. xi. 10. 15, 16. 25-27. ,Psalm xvi. 5-8. For the second, see John i. 10-12. iii. 16. Mark xvi. 16. Acts xvi. 31. John xiv. 21. xvi. 27. Rom. xii. 9. Luke xvi. 27. James i. 12. Matt. xxii. 37. 1 Cor. .xvi. 22. Matt. x. 37. Rev., xxii. 14.. Heb. v. 9. For the third, most of the same will serve, and Heb. xii. 14. Matt. vii.. 24. Psalm i. 2, 3. Matt. v. 20. Acts x. 35.. Rom. vii. 22. For the two last besides the former, see Heb. xi. 6. Rom. viii. 1--14. Gal. v. 17. 24, vi. 8. 1 Tim. vi. 9. Lukeviii. 13. 1 John ii. 15. v. 4, 5. James i. 27. iv. 4. dal. vi. 14. i. 4. Rom. xii. 2. Titus ii. 14. Matt. x..37. Rom. ii. 5-7. Rev. xív. 13. Phil. ii. 14. Col. iii. 2, 24. 1 Cor. iii. 8. 14. John xii. 16. 1 John iii. 22, 23, Gen. xxii. 16. Matt. x. 22. xxiv. 13. Heb. iii. 6.14: vi. 11. Rev. ir. 26. 10. xii. 11. ljlatt. xvi. 25. x. 39. Mark xvii. 33. Rom. viii. 9. 13. Luke xiii. 3. 5. Rom. vi. 4-6. 12. 14. 16, 17. 22. And thus I have given you such marks as you may safely try yourself by, find cleared the meaningof them toyou. Now, let me advise you to this use of them. 1. In your serious self-examina- tion try only by these, and not by any.uncertain marks. I know there be promises of life, made to some particular duties and single qualifications in Scripture, as to humility, meekness, alms-deeds, love to the godly, etc. ; but it is still both on supposition that they be not single in the person, but are accompanied with, and flow from that faith and love to God before mentioned ; and also that they are in a prevailing. degree. 2. Whenever any freshdoubtings arise in you upon the stirrings of corruption, or debility of graces, still have recourse to these for- mer marks; and while you find these, let not any thingcause you to pass wrong judgments onyourself. Lay these now to your own heart, and tell me, ' Are you not 'unfeignedly willing to have Christ on the terms that he is offered ? Are you not willing to be more holy? And beg of him to make you so? Would you not be glad if your soul were more perfectly sanctified, and rid.pf that body of sin, though itwere to the smart and displeasingofyour flesh ? Are you not willing to wait on God, in the 'use of his ordinances, in that poor, weak measure.as you are able to perform them ? Durst,you, or would you quit your patt in God, heaven, Christ, and forsake the way of holiness, and do as the profane world doth, thpugh it were to please your flesh, or save your state or life? Do you not daily strive against the flesh and keep itunder, and deny its desires ? Do you not deny the world when it would hinderyou from works of mercy or public good, according to your ability ? Is it not the grief ofyour soul when you fall, and your greatest trouble that you cannot walk more obediently, innocently and fruitfully? And do