Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

390 DIRECTIONS FOR GETTING AND KEEPING from us herein. Had it not been for this one plot, the. Christian faith had been kept pure ; religion had been one ; the church had been one ; and the hearts of Christians had been more one than they are. Had not the devil turned orthodox, he had not made so many true Christians heretics, as Epiphanius and 'Austin have enrolled in the black list. Had not the enemy of truth and péace got into the chair, and made so pathetic an oration as to inflame the minds of the lovers of truth to be over-zealous for it, and to dó too much, we might have had truth and peace to this day. Yea, still, ifhe see any man of experience and moderation stand up to re- duce men to the ancient simplicity, he presently seems the most zealous for Christ, and tells the inexperienced leaders of the flocks, that it is in favor of some heresy that such a man speaks ; he is plotting a carnal syncretism, and attempting the reconcilement of Christ and Belial; he is tainted with Popery, or Socinianism, or Arminianism, or Calvinism, or whatsoever may make him odious with those he speaks to. O, what the devil hath got by overdoing ! Andas this is true in doctrines, so is it in worship and discipline, and pastoral authority and government. When the serpentcould not get the world to despise the poor fishermen that published the gospel, (the devil being judged, and the world convinced by the power of the Holy Ghost, the Agent, Advocate, and Vicar of Christ, on earth,) he will then be the most forward to honor and promote them. And if he cannot make Constantine a persecutor of them, he will persuade him to raise them in worldly glory to the stars, and make then lordsof Rome, and possess them with prince- ly dignities and revenues. And he bath got as much by over- honoring them, as ever he did by persecuting and despising them. And now in England, when this plot is descried, and we had taken down that superfluous honor, as antichristian, what doth the devil but set in again on the other side? And none is so zealous a' re- former as he. Henries downall as antichristian, which he desir- eth should fall. Their tithes and maintenance are antichristian and oppressive (O, pious, merciful devil;) down with them! These church-lands were given by Papists to Popish uses, to maintain bishops, and deans, and chapters ; down with them ! These col- lege-lands, these cathedrals, nay, these church -houses, or temples, (for so I will call them, whether the . devil will or no,) all come from idolaters, and are abused to idolatry ; down with them ! Nay, think you but he bath takeh theboldness tocry out, These priests, these ministers, are all antichristian, seducers, needless, enviers of the spirit of prophecy, and of the gifts of their brethren, monopo- lizers of preaching ; down with them too ! So that though he yet have not what he would have, the old serpent hath done more as