Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

SPIRITUAL. PEACE AND COMFORT. 391 a reformer by overdoing, than he did in many a year as a deformer or hinderer of reformation. Yet ifhe do but see that there is a Sovereign Power that can do him a mischief, he, is ready to tell them, they must be merciful, and not deal cruelly with sinners ! Nay, it belongs not to them to reform, or to judge who are heretics and who not, or to restrain false doctrine, or church disturbers. Christ is sufficient for this himself. How oft bath the devil preach- ed thus, to tie the hands of those that might wound him! ' Would you see any further how he hath played this successful game of overdoing? Why, he bath done as much by it in wor- ship and discipline, as almost in any thing. When he cannot have discipline neglected, he is an over-zealous spirit in the breasts of the, clergy; and he persuades them to appoint men penance, and pilgrimages, and to put the necks of princes under their feet. But ifthis tyranny must be abated, he cries down all discipline, and tells tjsem it is all but tyranny and humaninventions ; and this con- fessing sin toministers for reliefof conscience, and this open con- fessing in the congregation for a due manifestation of repentance, and satisfaction to the church, that they may hold communion with them, it is all but Popery And priestly domineering. And in matter of worship, worst of all. When he could not persuade the world to persecuteChrist, and to refuse him and his worship, the serpent will be themost zealous worshiper, and saith, as Herod, and with the same mind, "Come and tell me, that I may worship him." He persuades men to do and overdo. He sets them on laying out their revenues in sumptuous fabrics;' in righting to be masters of the holy landand sepulchre of Christ; on going pilgrimages; worshiping saints, angels, shrines, relics, ador- ing the very bread of the sacrament as God,- excessive fastings, choice ofmeats, numbered prayers on beads, repetitions of words, so many Ave Maries, Pater Nosters, the name Jesus so oft repeat- ed, in- a breath, so many holidays to saints, canonical hours, even at midnight to pray, and that in Latin for greater reverence, cross- ings, holy garments, variety of prescribed gestures, kneeling . and worshiping before images, sacrificing Christ again to his Father in the mass; forswearing marriage; living retiredly, as separate from the world ;, multitudes of new, prescribed rules and orders of life ; vowingpoverty ; begging without need ; creeping to the cross, holy water, and holy bread, carrying palms, kneeling at altars, bearingcandles, ashes ; in baptism, crossing, conjuring out the devil, salting, spittle, oil ; taking pardons, indulgencies, and dispensations ofthe pope ; praying for the dead, perambulations, serving God to merit heaven, or to ease souls purgatory; doing works of su- pererogation, with multitudes thedike.. All these bath the devil added to God's worship, so zealous a worshiper of Christ is he,