402 DIRECTIONS FOR GETT1'NG AND KEEPING bath attained, and leavehis understanding still as an unwritten paper, as a receptive of every mutationand new apprehension, and con- trary conceit, as if he had never studied the point before, he will make but a poor proficiency, and have but a fluctuated, unsettled brain. A scholar should make all the studies of his life to'com- pose one entire imageof truth in his soul, as a painter makes every line he draws to. compose one entire picture of a man; and as a weaver makes every thread to compose one web ; so should you make all former examinations, discoveries, evidences, and experi- ences, compose one full discovery of your condition, that so you may have a settled peace of soul; and see that you tie both ends together, and neither look on your present troubled state without your former, lest you be unthankful, and unjustly discouraged; nor on your former state without observance of your present frame of heart and life, lest you deceive yourself, or grow . secure. O that you could well observe this Direction! Howmuch would it help you to escape extremes, and conduce to the settling of a well- grounded peace, and at once to the well ordering of your whole conversation ! Direct. XXVIII. 'Be verycareful that you create not perplexi- ties and terrors in your own soul, by rash misinterpretations of any passages either of Scripture, of God's providence, or of the ser- mons or private speeches of ministers; but resolve with patience, yea, with gladness, to suffer preachers to deal with their congregá- dons in the most searching, serious and awakening ,manner, lest your weakness shouldbe a wrong to the whole assembly, and pos- sibly the undoing of,many a sensual, drowsy or obstinate soul,'who will not be convinced and awakened by a comforting way of preach- ing, or by any smoother or gentler means.' Here are three dangerous enemies to your ,peace, which (for brevity) I warn you of together. 1. Rash misinterpretations and misapplications of Scripture. Some weak-headed, troubled Christianscan scarce read a chapter; or hear one read, but they will find something which they think doth condemn them. If they read of God's wrath and judgment, they think it is meant against them. If they read, "Our God Is a consuming fire," they think' presently it is themselves that must be the fuel; whereas justice and mercy have ,each their proper objects ; the burning fire will not waste the gold, nor is water the fuel of it ; but combustible matter it will presently .consume. A humble soul that lies prostrate at Christ's feet, confessing itsun- worthiness, and bewailing its sinfulness, this is not the object of re- venging justice ; such a soul bringing Christ's mercies, and pleading them with God, is so far from being the fuel of this consuming fire, that, he bringeth that water which will undoubtedly quench it.