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SPIRITUAL. PEACE AND COMFORT. 403 Yet this Scripture expression of our God may subdue carnal secu- rity even in the best, but not dismay them or discourage them in their hopes. . Another reads, in Psaltn I., "I will set thy sins in order before thee ;" and be thinks, certainly God will deal thus by him, not considering that. God chargeth only their sins upon' them that charge them not by true repentance on themselves, and accept not of Christ, who bath discharged them by his blood. It is the excusers, and mincers, and defenders of sin, that love' not those that reprove them, and that will not avoid them, or the oc- casions of them, that would not be reformed, and will not be per- suaded, in whose souls .iniquityhath dominion, and that delight in it ; it is these on whom God chargeth their sins :: " For this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light ; and . come not to the light, lest their deeds shouldbe reproved " John iii. 20,21. But for'the soul that trembleth at God's word, and comes heme to God with shame and sorrow, resolving to return no more to wickedness, God is so far from charging his sins upon him, that he never mentioneth them, as I told you, is evident in the case of the prodigal. . He makes not a poor,sinner's burden more heavy by hitting him in the teeth with his sins, but makes it 'the office of his Son to ease himby dis- burdening hint. Many more texts might be named (and perhaps it would not be lost labor) which troubled souls do misunderstand'and misapply; but it would make this writing tedious, which is already swelled so far beyondmy first intention. 2. The second enemy of your peace here mentioned; is, Misun- derstanding and' misapplying passages of providence. 'Nothing is more common with troubled souls, than upon every new cross and affliction that befalls them, presently to think, God takes them for hypocrites; and to question their sincerity! As if David and Job had not left them a full warning against this temptation. Do you lose your goods ?. So did Job. Do you lose your children? So did Job ; and that in no very comfortable way. Do you lose your health? 'So did Job. What if your godly friends should come about you in this case, and bend all their wits and speeches to persuade you'that you are but a hypocrite, as Job's friends did by him,; would not this put you harder to it ? Yet could Job resolve; " I will not let go mine integrity till I die." I know God's chastisements are all paternal punishments; and that Chris- tians should search and try their hearts and ways at such times ; but not conclude that they are graceless ever the more for being afflicted, seeing God chasteneth every son whom he receiveth Heb. xii. 6, 7. And in 'searching after sin itself in your afflictions, be sure that you make the word, and, hot your sufferings, the rule