Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

SPIRITUAL PEACE AND COMPORT. 4055 obedience ; and usually the libertinism of his opinion is seen in his liberty of conscience, and licentious practices; and his trouble of mind is cured, as a burning fever by opium, which give him such a sleep, that he never awaketb till he be'ie another world. Yet these errors are so gross, and so fully against the express texts of Scripture, that if ministers would condescendingly, lovingly and familiarly deal with them, and do their. duty, I should hope many well-meaning souls might be recovered. Thus you see the danger of rash interpreting, and so misinterpreting providences. As such interpretations of prosperity and success delude not only the Ma- hometan world, and the profane world, but many that seemed godly, so many such interpretations of adversity and crosses do; especially if the seducerbe but kind and liberal to relieve them in their adversity, he may do with manypoor souls almost what he please. 3. The third enemy to your peace here mentioned, is, Mis- interpreting or misapplying the passages 'of preachers in their sermons, writings or private speeches. A. minister cannot deal thoroughly or seriously with any sort of, sinners, but some fearful, troubled souls applyall to themselves. I must entreat you to avoid this fault, or else you will turn. God's ordinances and the daily food of your souls into bitterness -and wormwood, and all through your mistakes. I think there, are few ministers so preach, but you might perceive whpm they mean, and they sp difference as to tell you whom they speak to. I confess it is a better sign ofan honest heart and self-judging conscience, to say, He speaks now to me ;, this is my case ;' than to say, ' He speaks now to, such or such a one ; this is their case.' For it is the property of hypocrites to have their eye most abroad, and in every duty to be minding most the faults of others : and you may much discern such in their prayers, in that they will fill their cónfessions most with, other men's sins ; and you may feel them all the while in the bosom of their neigh- bors, when you may even feel a sincere man speaking his own heart, and most opening his own bosom to God. But though self- applying and self-searching be far the better sign, yet must not any wise Christian AO it mistakingly; for that may breed abundance of very, sad effects. For besides the aforesaid imbittering of God's ordinances to you, and so discouraging you from them, do, but con- sider what a grief, and a''snare you may prove to your minister. A grief it must needs be to him who knows he should not make sad the soul of the innocent, to think that he cannot avoid it, with out avoiding his duty. When God bath put two several messages in our mouths ;. " Say to the righteous, it shall be well with him ;" and "Say to the wicked, it shall be ill with him ; " Isaiah iii. 10, 11. "He that believeth shall be saved; he that believeth not