412 DIRECTIONS FOR GETTING AND KEEPING have not saving grace, yet they are not guilty of anygross sins, but have a liking to the people and ways of God ; and yet he Both not savingly convert them till long after. It is much harder for these to discern the time or manner of their conversion ; yet usually some conjectures they may make ; and usually their humiliation is not so deep. Other's, as is said, have the saving workings of the Spirit in their very childhood, and these can least of all discern the certain time or -order. The ordinary way of God's dealing with those that are children of godly parents, and have good edu- cation, is by giving them some liking of godly gersons and ways, some conscience of sin, some repentance and recourse by prayer to God in Christ for mercy ; yet youthful lusts and folly, and ill com- pany, do usually much stifle it, till at last, by some affliction, or sermon,' or book, or goodcompany, God setteth home thework, and maketh them more resolute andvictorious Christians. These per- sons now can remember that they had convictions and stirring con- sciences when theywere young, and the other fore-mentioned works; perhaps they can remember some more notable rousings andawak- enings long after, and perhaps they have had many such fits and steps, and the work bath stood at this pass, for a long time, even many years together. But at which of all these changes it was that the soul began to be sàvingly sincere, I think is next to an . impossibility to discern. According to that experience which I have had ofthe state of Christians, I am forced to judge the most of the children of the godly that ever are renewed, are renewed in their childhood, or much towards it then done, and that among for- ty Christians there is not one that can certainly name the month in which his soul first began to be sincet4v and among a thousand Christians, I thinknot one can name the hour. The sermon which awakened them they may name, but not the hour when they first arrived at a saving sincerity. My advice, therefore, to all Christians, is this : Find Christ by his Spirit dwelling in your hearts, andthen never trouble yourselves though you know not the time or manner of his entrance. Do you value Christ above the world, and resolve to choose him before the world, and perform these resolutions ? Then need you not doubt but the Spirit ofJesus is victorious in you. Doubt 2. `But I have oft read and heard, that a man cannot come to Christ till he feel the heavy burden of sin. It is the weary and heavy-laden that Christ calleth to him. He bindethup only the broken-hearted ; he is a Physician only to those that fe<I themselves sick;. he brings men to heaven by the gates of hell. They must be able to say, I am in a lost condition, and in a state of damnation, and ifI should die this hour, I must perish forever, before Christ will deliver them. God will not throw away theblood