430 DIRECTIONS FOR GETTING AND KEEPING satisfaction? Why, you may as well think yourself to be such a one, that God could not or did not make you, as to think your sins so great, that Christ could not or did not satisfy' for them, or will not pardon them, if you repent and believe in him. 3. And for worthiness,. I, pray you observe ; there is a twofold worthiness and righteousness. There is a legal worthiness and righteousness, which consisteth in a perfect obedience, which is the performance of the conditions of the law of pure nature and works. This no man hath but Christ ; and if you look after this righteousness or worthiness in yourself, then do you depart from Christ; and make him to have died and satisfied in vain: you are a Jew, and not a Christian, and are one of those that Paul so much disputeth.again'st, that would be justified by the law. Nay, you must not so much as once imagine that ail your own works can be any part of this legal righteousness or worthiness to you. Only Christ's satisfaction and merit is instead of this our legal righteousness and worthiness. God never gave Christ and mercy to any but the unworthy in this sense. If you know not yourself to be unworthy and unrighteous in the sense of the law of works, you cannot know what Christ's righteousness is. Did Christ come to save any but sinners, and such as were lost? What need you a Savior, if you were not condemned? , And how come you to be condemned, if you were not unrighteous and unworthy? But then, 2. There is an evan- gelical personal worthiness and righteousness, which is the condi- tion on which God bestows Christ's righteousness upon us; and this all have that will be saved by Christ. But what is that? Why, it hath two parts : i. The condition and worthiness required to your union with Christ, and pardon of all your sins past, and your adoption and justification ; it is no more but your hearty and. thankful 'acceptance of the gift that is freely given you of God by his covenant grant ; that is, Christ and life in him ; 1 John v. 10-12. There js no worthiness required in you before faith, as a condition on which God' will give you faith ; but only certain means you are appointed to use for the obtaining it: and faith itself is but the 'acceptance of a free gift. God requireth you not to bring any other wórthiness or price in your hands, but that you consent 'unfeignedly to have Christ as he is offered, and. to the . ends and uses that he is offered ; that is, as one that bath satisfied for you by his blood and merits, to put away your sins, and as one that must illuminate and teach you, sanctify,and guide, and govern you by his word and Spirit ; and, as King and Judge, will fully and finally justify youat the day of judgment, and give you the crown of glory. Christ, on his part, 1. Hathmerited your pardon byhis satisfaction, and not properly by his sanctifying you. 2. And sanctifieth you by his Spirit, and ruleth you by his laws, and not