Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

I 440 DIRECTIONS FOR GETTING AND KEEPING it betime. But yet let me tell you, that some degree of this blas- phemy and infidelitymay remain with the truest saving faith. The best may say, "Lord, J believe, help thou mine unbelief." ButI will tell you my judgment. When your unbelief is such as tobe a sign of a graceless soul in the, state of damnation ; if your doubt- ings ofthe truth of Scripture and the life to come, be so great that you will not let go the pleasures and profits of sin, and part with all if God call you to it, in, hope of that glory promised, and to escape the judgment threatened, because you look upon the things of the life to come but as uncertain things; then is your belief no saving belief; but your unbelief is prevalent. But if for all your staggerings, you see,so much probability of the truth of Scripture and the life to come, that, you are resolved to venture (and part with, if called to it). all worldly hopes and happiness for the hope of that promised glory, and to make it the chiefest business ofyour life to attain it, and, do deny yourself the pleasures of sin for that end; this is a true saving faith, as is evident by its victory; not- withstanding all the infidelity, atheism, and blasphemy that is mix- ed with it. But again, let me advise you to . take heed of this heinous sin, and bewail and detest the very least degree of it. It is dangerous when the devil strikes at the very root, and heart, and foundation of all your religion. There is more sinfulness and danger in this than in many other sins. And therefore let it never be motioned to your soul without abhorrence. Two ways the 'devil hath to move it. The one is by his immediate' inward suggestions; these are bad enough. The other is by his accursed instruments; and this is a far more dangerous way ; whether it be by books, or by the words of men. Andyet if it be by notorious wicked men, or fools, the temptation is the less; but when it is bymen of cunning wit, and smooth tongues, and hypocritical lives, (for far be that wicked- ness fromme, As to call them godly, or wise, or honest,) then it is the greatest snare the devil bath to lay. O just and dreadful God ! Did I think one day that those that I was then praying with and rejoicing with, and 'that went up with me to the house of God in familiarity, would this day be blasphemers ofthy sacred name, and deny the Lord that bought them, and deride thy holy word as a fable, and give up themselves to the present pleasures of sin, be- cause they believe not thy, promised glory ? O `righteous and merciful God, that hast preserved the humble from this condem- nation, and hast permitted only the proud and sensual professors to fall into it, and hast given them over to hellish conversations ac- cording to the nature of their hellish opinions, that they might be rather a terror to others than a snare ! I call their doctrine and practice hellish, from' its original, because it comes from the father