460 DIRECTIONS FOR GETTING AND KEEPING ing their own hearts. Whereas God speaks it but partly to show his hatred to the proud, and partly to show his tender compassions to the humbled, that they might not be overwhelmed or desair. But, O Christians, understand and consider, that all your sorrows are but preparatives to your joys ; and that it is a higher and sweet- er work that God calls you to, and would have you spend your time and strength in. . (1.) The first part of it is love; a work that iswages to itself. He that knows what it is to live in the love of God, doth know that Christianity is no tormenting. and discontent- ed life. (2.) The next part is, "Delight in God, ands in the hopes and forethoughts of everlasting glory." Psal. xxxvii. 4. " Delight thyself in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thy heart." This is it that you should be bending your studies and endeavors for, that your soul might be able to delight itself in God. (3.) The third part is thankfulness and praise. Though I say not, . as some, that we should be moved bno fears or desires of the re- ward, (that is, of God,) but act only from thankfulness, (as though we had all that we expect already,) yet let me desire you to take special notice of this truth ; that thankfulness Dust be the main prin- ciple of all gospel obedience. And this is not only true of the regenerate after faith, but even the wicked themselves, who are called to repent and believe, are called to dcerit in a glad and thankful sense of the mercy offered them in Christ. All the world being fallen under God's wrath arid deserved condemnation, and the Lord 'Jesus having become a sacrifice andransom for all, and OS brought all from that legal necessity of perishing which they were under, the gospel, which brings them the news of this, is glad tidings of great joy to them ; andthe veryjustifying act which they are called to, is, thankfully to accept Christ as one that bath already satisfied for their sinspand will save' them, if they accept him, and will follow his saving counsel, and use his saving means; and the saving work which they must proceed in, is, thankfully to obey that Redeemer whom they believe' in. So that, as general redemption is the very fdundation of the new world and its govern- ment, so thankfulness for this redemption is the very lifeofjustify- ing faith and gospel obedience. And therefore the denial of this universal redemption (as to the price and satisfaction) doth both disable wicked men (if they receive it) from coming to Christ by true justifying faith (which is, the thankful acceptance of Christ as he is offered with his benefits ; and this thankfulness must be for what he bath done in dying for us, as well as for what he. will do in pardoning and savingus,) and it ,doth disable all true believers from gospel, grateful obediences whenever they lose the sight of their evidences of special grace, (which, alas, how ordinary is it with them !) For when theycannot have special grace in their eye to