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SPIRITUAL PFACR AND COMFORT. 461 . be thankful for, according to this doctrine they must have none; because they can be no surer that Christ died for them, than they are that themselves are sincere believers and trulysanctified. And when thankfulness for Christ's death and redemptionteaseth, gospel obedience ceasetli, and legal and slavish terrors do take place. Though the same cannot be saidof thankfulness for special renew- ing and parddning grace. (zf.) The fourth part of the Christian life is cheerful obedience. God loveth a cheerful giver, and so he doth in every part of obe- dience, " Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyful- ness and with gladness of heart for 4e abundance of all things, thou shalt serve thy enemies in hunger an thirst," &c. Deut. xxviii. 47. Will you now layall this together; and make it, for the time to come, your business, and try whether it will not be the truest way to comfort, and make your life a blessed life ? Will you make it your end in hearing, reading, praying, and meditation, to raise your soul to delight in God ? Will you strive as much to work it to this delight as ever you did to work it to sorrow? Certainly you have more reason; and certainly there is more matter of delight in the face and love of God, than in all the things in the world be- sides. Consider but the Scripture commands, and, then lay to heart your duty. Phil. iv. 4. "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say, rejoice." Chap. iii. 1. Zech. x. 7. Joel ii. 23. Isa. xli. 16. Psal. xxxiü. I, "Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righ- teous, for praise is comely for the upright." Psal. xcvii. 12. 1 Thess. v. 16, " Rejoice evermore." 1 Pet. i 6. 8: Rom. ,v. 2. John iv. 36. Psal. v. 11. xxxiii. 21. xxxv. 9. lxvi. 6. lxviii. 3, 4. 1xxi. 23. lxxxix. 16. cv. 3. cxlix. 2. xliii. 4. xxvii. 6. John xvi. 24. Rom. xv. 13. xiv. 17 "The kingdom of God is in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost." Gal. v: 22. Peal. xxxii. 11. " Be glad inthe Lord, and rejoice, O ye righteous, and shout' for joy, all ye that are upright in heart." Psal. cxxxii. 9. 16. v. 11. xxxv. 27. Heb. iii. 18; with a hundred more the like. Have you made conscience of this great duty, according to its excellency and these pressing commandsof God? .Have you made conscience of the duties of praise, thanksgiving, and cheerful obedience as much as for grieving for sin ?. Perhapsyou will say, ' I cannot do it for want of assurance. If I knew that I were one of the righteous, and upright inheart, then I could be glad, and shout for joy.' Answ. 1. I have before showed you how you may knowthat; when you discover it in yourself, see that you make more conscienceof this dut'. 2. You have had hopes and proba- bilities of your sincerity. Did you endeavor to answer those prob- abilities in yourjoys ? 3. If you would.but labor to get this delight in God, it would help you to assurance ; for it would be one of your clearest evidences.