THE CHARACTER OF A SOUND, CONFIRMED CHRISTIAN, &c. Ix the explicationof the text, which I made the ground of the foregoing discourse,* I have showed you that there is a degree of grace to be expected and sought after by all true Christians, which putteth the soul into asound, confirmed, radicated state, in compari- son ofthat weak, diseased, tottering condition, which most Chris- tians now continue in. And I have showed you how desirable a state that is, and what calamities follow the languishing, unhealth- ful state, even ofsuch as may be saved. And, indeed, did we but rightly understand how deeply the errors and sins of many well- meaning Christians,have wounded the interest of religion in this age, and how heinously theyhave dishonored God, and caused the enemies of holiness to blaspheme, and hardened thousands in Popery and ungodliness, in probability to their perdition ; had we well observed when God's judgments have begun, and understood what sins have caused our wars, and plagues, and flames, and worse than all these, our great heart-divisions, and church-distractions and convulsions ; we should ere this havé given over the flattering of ourselves and one another, in such a heaven- provoking state; and the ostentation ofthat little goodness, which bath, been eclips- ed by such lamentable evils. And instead of these, we should have betaken ourselves to the exercise of such a serious, deep re- pentance es the quality of our sins and the greatness of God's chas- tisements do require. It is adoleful case to see how light many make of all the rest of their distempers, when once theythink that theyhave so much grace and mortification as is absolutely neces- sary to save their souls, and expect that preachers should say lit- tle to weak Christians, but wordsof comfort, setting forth their hap- piness. And yet if oneofthem, when he bath the gout, or stone, or colic, or dropsy, Both send for a physician, he wouldthink himself * This work was originally published in connection with another, entitled " Directions to the Converted for their Establishment." Ed.