CONFIRMED CHRISTIAN. 491 because he hateth them, and is resolved to forsake them ; there- fore he would know them ; John iii. 19-21. Therefore he isnot only patient under reproofs, but loveth them, and is thankful to a charitable reprover, and maketh a good use evenof malicious and passionate reproofs ; Psal. cxli, 5. 2 Sam. xvi. 11. He saith, as in Job xxxiv. 32, "That which I 'see not, teach thou rne. If I have done iniquity, I will do no more." His hatred of the sin, and desire tobe reformed, suffer not his heart by pride to rise up against the remedy, and reject reproof. Though he will not falsely con- fess his duty tobe his sin, nor take the judgment of every selfish, passionate or ignorant reprover to be infallible, nor to be his rule ; yet if a judicious, impartial person do but suspect himof a fault, he is ready to suspect himselfof it, unless he be certain that he is clear. He loveth him better that would save him from his sin, than him that would entice him to it; and taketh him for his best friend who'dealeth freely with him, and is the greatest enemy to his faults; and a flatterer he taketh but for the most dangerous, insinuating kind of foe. 2. But the weak Christian, though he hate his sin, and love ref - ormation;, and loveth the most,searching books and preachers, and loveth a gentle kind. of reproof, yet hath so much pride and selfish- ness remaining, that any reproof that seemeth disgraceful to him, goeth very 'hardly down with him ; like a bitter medicine to a queasy stomach : if you reprove him before others, or if your re- proofbe not very carefully sugared and minced, so that it rather extenuate than aggravatehis fault, he will be ready to cast it up into your face, and with retort to tell you of some faults of your own, or some way show you how little he loveth it, and how little thanks he giveth you for. it. If you will not let him alone with his infirmities, he will distaste you, if not. fall out with you, and let you know by his smart and impatience, that you have touched him in the sore and galled place. . He must be a man of very great skill in managing a reproof, that he shall not somewhat provoke him to distaste. 3. And for the seeming Christian, this is " his condemnation, that light is come into the world, and he loveth darkness rather than light, because his deeds are evil." He cometh not to the light, lest his deeds should be discovered and reproved ; John iii. 19=21. He liketh a searching preacher for others, and loveth to hear their sins laid open, if itno way refiecteth upon himself. But for him- self he liketh best a general, or asmoothing preacher ; and he flieth from a quick and searching ministry,' lest' he should be proved and convinced to be in a state of sin and misery. Guilt maketh him fear or hate a lively, searching preacher, even as the guilty prison- er. hateth the judge. He loveth no company so well as that