ÇONFIRMED CHRISTIAN. 559 ner of the work of grace, freewill, perseverance, and abundance such.) Sometimes he will be righteous overmuch, or (to speak more properly) superstitious ; and then none are fit for his com- munion that worship not God in that method and manner for cir- cumstantials, Which he esteemed best. And his charity is so weak, thatit freeth him not from thinking evil, (1 Cor. xiii.) and sonarrow, that it covereth noteither many orgreat infirmities. The more need he hath ofthe forbearanceand charity of others, the less can he bear or forbear others himself. The strong Christian must bear the in- firmities of the weak; but the weak Christian. can scarce bear the weak or strong. Nay, he is oft too impatient with some, of their virtues and duties, as well as with their infirmities. He is of too private a spirit, and too insensible of the public interest of the church of Christ. And therefore he must have all the world come over to him) and be conformed to his opinion and party, and unite upon, his mistaken, narrow terms, if theywill have communion with him. I mean, it is thus with him, when the temptation on that side prevaileth. And sometimes lie is overcome with the tempta- tion of domination, to make his judgment a rule toothers ; and then he quite overvalueth his own understanding, and will needs be judge of all the controversies in the church ; and taketh it as un- sufferable, if wiser and better . men do not take him as infallible, and it every thing observe his will. And when his brethren give him the reason of their dissent, as his judgment is not clear enough to understand them, so his passion and partialityjre too strong to suffer his judgment to do its part. And thus oftentimes he is a greater hinderance to the church's unity, than the enemies of the church themselves. For he bath not judgment enough to, guide him the right way, and yet he bath so much zeal as will not suffer him to keep his errors to him. 3. And all these distempers, that are but in a lower degree inthe weak Christian, are predominant in the hypocrite. The church shall have no concord or peace, if he can hinder it; but what iscon- sistent with his carnal interest, his honor, or wealth, or dignity in the world. The prideand covetousness which rule himself, he would have to make the terms of concord, and,to rule all others. It is hypocrites in the church that are the greatest cause of discord and divisions, having selfish spirits, principles, and ends, and having .always a work of their own to do, which suits not well with the work of Christ; and yet Christ's work,most be subjectedto it, and ordered, and overruled by it. And while they pretend to go to the Scriptures, or to councils or fathers for their reasons, indeed they go first forthent to their worldly interest ; and then would fain hire or press the Scripture, church, or fathers, to serve their turn, and come in as witnesses on their side. And thus the church, as well