Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

.568 CHARACTER OF A SOUND, institutedby Christ ; and though he loathe the sottishness and wick- edness of those that run before they are sent, and are utterly insuf -, ficient or ungodly, and take it up for a living or trade only, as they woald.a common work;, and are a sons of Belial, that know not the Lord, and cause theoffering of the Lord to be abhorred ;" (1 Sam. n. 2. 17.) yet no such temptation shall overthrow his reverence to the office, which is the ordinance of Christ ; much less will he be unthankful to those who are able. and faithful in their office,' and labor instantly for the good of souls, as willing to spend and be spentfor their salvation. When xhe world abuse'th, and derideth, and injureth them, he is one that hpnoreth them, both for their work andmaster's sake, and the experience which he bath had of the blessing of God on their labors to himself. For he knoweth that the smiting ofthe shepherds is but the devil's ancient way for the'scattering of the flock; though he knoweth that "if th4 salt hash lost its savor, it is gpod for nothing, neither fit for the land, nor yet for the ddnghill ; but men cast it out, and it is trodden under foot ; (he that hath ears to hear, let him hear ; "). Luke xiv. 34, 35. Matt. v. 13, 14. Yet he also knoweth, that he ," that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a itrophet's reward.; " Matt. x. 41, 42. And that " he that re- ceiveth them receiveth Christ, and he that despiseth them (that are sent by him) despiseth himg " Luke x. 16. He therefore readily obeyed those commands, Heb. xiii. 17. " Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves ;, for they watch foryour souls as those that must give an account ; " 1 Thess. v. 12, 13. " Webeseech you, brethren, toknow them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and,admonish you; and to esteem them very highly in love for their works' sake, and be at peace among yourselves ;" 1 Tim. v. 17. "Let the elders that rule well, be counted worthy,of double honor; especially they who labor in the cdord and doctrine:" 2. But though the weak Christian be of the same mind so far as he is sanctified; yet is he much more easily tempted into a wrangling censoriousness against his teachers, though they be never so able and holy men ; and by seducers may be drawn to oppose them, or speak contemptuously of them, as the Galatians did of Paul, and some of the Corinthians ;. accounting him is their enemy for telling them the truth, when' lately they would have plucked out their eyes to do him good ; Gal. iv. 15, 16. 3. But, the hypocrite is most easily engaged against them, either when they grate upon the guilt of his former sin, or open bis hy- pocrisy, or plainly cross him in his carnal interest, or else when. his pride hath conquered his sobriety, and engaged him in some sect or erroneous way, which his teachers are 'against, and would re- duce him from ; John vi. 66. Mark v. 27. 2_Chron. xxv. 16.