682 CHARACTER OF A SOIJNp, CONFIRMER CHRISTIAN. given them, abiding and overcoming in them, and as thy agent pre- paring themfor eternal life. O let not our darkness,nor any strange- ness, feed our odious unbelief ! O show thyself more clearly to thy redeemed ones! and come and dwell in our hearts by faith ! And by holy love let us dwell in God, and God in us, that we grope not after him, as those that worship anunknown God. O save us from temptation! And if the messenger of Satan be sent to buffet us, let thy strength be manifested in our weakness, and thy grace ap- pear sufficient for ùs. And give us the patience which thou tellest us we need, that, having done thy will, we may inherit the promise. And bring us to the sight and fruition of our Creator, of whom, and through whom, and to whom are all things ; to whom be glory for- ever. Amen.