588 MPACING LIGHT OF CHRIST. they have, a higher estimation of the matters of this world than they have of Christ, and the salvation that he hath purchased ; this is a making light of him. When men account the doctrine of Christ to be but a matter of words and names, as Galio, (Acts xviii. 4.) or as Festus, (Acts xxv. 19.) a superstitious matter about one Jesus who was dead, and Paul saith is alive ; or ask the preachers of the gospel,as the Athenians, " What will this babbler say?" (Acts xvii. 18.) this is contempt of Christ. 4. When men are informed of the truths of the gospel, and on what terms Christ and his benefits may be had, and how it is the will of God that they should believe and accept the offer; and he commandeth them to do it upon pain of damnation ; and yet men will not consent, unless they have Christ on terms of their own; they will not part with their worldly contents, nor lay down their pleasures, and profits, and honor, at his feet, as being content to take so much of them only as he will give them back, and as is consistent with his will and interest, but think it is a hard saying, thàt they must forsake all in resolution for Christ; this is a making light of him and their salvation. Whenmen might have part in him and all his benefits if they would, and they will not, unless they may keep the world too; and are resolved to please their flesh, whatever comes of it ; this is-a high contempt of Christ and ever- lasting life. (Matt. xiii. 21, 22. Luke xviii. 23.) You niay find examples ofsuch as I here describe. 5. When men will promise fair, and profess their willingness to have Christ on his terms, and to forsake all for him, but yet dostick to the world and their sinful courses ; and when it comes to prac- tice, will not be removed by all that Christ bath doneand said ; this is making light of Christ and salvation. (Jer. xliii. 2.) III. The causes of this sin are the next thing to be inquired after. It may seem a wonder that ever men, that have the use of their reason, should be so sottish as to make light of matters of such consequence. But the cause is, 1. Some men understand not the very sense of the words of the gospel when they hear it, and how can they be taken with that which they understand not? Though we speak to them in plain English, and study to speak it as plain as we can, yet people have so estranged themselves from God, and the matters of their own happiness, that they know not what we say, as if we spoke in another language, and as if they were under that judgment, Isä. xxviii. 11. " With stammering lips, and with another tongue, will he speak to this people." 2. Some that do understand the words that we speak, yet, be- cause they are carnal, understand not the matter. For thenatural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, neither can he