Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

MAKING LIGHT OP CHRIST. 605 light of yourselves. Can you find fault if you miss of the salva- tion which you slighted ? 9. The time is near when Christ and salvation will not be made light of as now they art. When God bath shaken those careless souls out of their bodies, and you must answer for all your sins in your own name, O, then what would you gibe for a Savior! When a thousand bills shall be brought in against you, and none to relieve you, then you will consider, ' O, Christ would now have stood betweenme and the wrath of God: had I not despised him, he would have 'answered all.' When you see the world bath left you, and your companions in sin have deceived themselves and you, and all your merry days are gone, then what would you give for that Christ and salvation that now you account not worth your labor ? Do you think,, when you see the judgment set, and you are doomed to everlasting perdition for your wickedness, that you should then make as light of Christ as now ? Why will you not judge now, as you know you shall judge then ? Will he then be worth ten thousand worlds, and is he not now worth your highest estimation, and dearest affection ? 10. God will not only deny thee that salvation thou madest light of, but he will take from thee all that which thou didst value before it. He that most highly esteems Christ shall have him, and the creatures so far as they are good here, and him without the crea- ture hereafter, because the creature is not useful ; andhe that sets more by the creature than by Christ, shall have some of the creature without Christ here, and neither Christ nor it hereafter. So much of these considerations, which may show the true face of this heinous sin. What think you now, friends, of this business? Do you not see by this time what a case that soul is in, that maketh light of Christ and salvation ? What need then is there that you should take heed lest this should prove your own case ! The Lordknows it is too common a case. Whoever is found guilty at the last of this sin, it were better for that man he had never.been born. It were better for him he had been a Turk or Indian, that never had heard tht name of a Savior, and that never had salvation offered to him. For such men " have no cloak for their sin ; " John xv. 22. Besides all the rest of their sins, they have this killing sin to answer for, which will undo them. And this will aggravate their misery, that Christ whom they set light by must be their judge, and forthis sin will he judge them: O that such would now consider howtheywill answer that question that Christ put to their predecessors, ",How will ye escape the damnation of hell ? " (Matt. xxüi.33.) or " How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation ? " Heb. ii. 3. Can you escape without a Christ ; or