Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

MAKING LIGHT OF CHRIST, 607 3. You may come desirously to his word and ordinances. Herod heard gladly ; so do many that yet must perish as neglect- ers of salvation. 4. You may, in a fit of fear, have strong desires after a Christ, to ease you, and to save you from God's wrath, as Saul had of David to play before him ; and yet you may perish for making light of Christ. 5. You may obeyhim in many things, so. faras will not ruin, you in the world, and escape much of the pollutions of the world by his knowledge, and yet neglect him. 6. You may suffer and lose much for him, so far as, leaveth you an earthly felicity ; as Ananias, the young man. Some parcels of their pleasuresand profits many will part with in hope of salvation, that shall perish everlastingly for valuing it no more. 7. You may be esteemed by others a man zealous for Christ, and loved and admired upon that account,and yet be one that shall perish for making light of him. 8. You may verily think yourselves, that you set more by Christ and salvatión than any thing, and yet be mistaken, and be judged as contemners of him : Christ justifieth not all that justify themselves. 9. You may be zealous preachers ofChrist and salvation, and reprove others for this neglect, and lament the sin of the world in the like expression as 1 have done this day ; and yet if you or I have no better evidence to prove Our hearty esteem of Christ and salvation, we are undone for all this. You hear,brethren, what will notserve the turn; will you nowhear what persons you mustbe, if you would not be condemned as Blight- ers of Christ ? O, searchwhether it be thus with your souls, or no. 1. Your esteem ofChrist and salvationmust be greater than your esteem of all the honors, profits, or pleasures of this world, or else you slight him : no less will be accounted sincere, nor accepted to your salvation. Think not this hard, when there is no comparison in the matters esteemed. To esteem the greatest glory on earth before Christ and everlasting glory, is a greater folly and wrong to Christ; than to esteem a dog before your prince, would be folly in you, and a wrong to him. Scriptufe is plain in this. " He that loveth father or mother, wife, children, house, land, or his own life, more than me, is not worthy of me, and cannot be my disciple;' Matt., x. 37 ; Luke xiv. 26. 2. You must manifest this esteemofChrist and salvation inyour daily endeavors and seeking after him, and in parting with any thing that he shall require of you, God is a Spirit, and will not takea hypocritical profession instead of the heart and spiritual ser- vice which he commandeth. He will have the heart or nothing; and the chiefroom in the heart too. These must be had.