Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v1

610 MAKING LIGHT OF CHRIST. in any good uses that God calls you to be liberal in, according to your abilities ? Pure religion, and undefiled before God, is this, To visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction ; James i. ult. Will you resolve to stick to Christ, and make sure this workofsalvation, though it cost you all that you have in theworld? Ifyou think these terms too déar, you make light of Christ, and will be judged accordingly. 7. Will you, for the time to come, make much ofall things that tend to your salvation ; and take every help that God offereth you, and gladly make use of all his ordinances? Attend upon his strengthening sacraments, spend the Lord's own day in these holy employments ; instruct your children and servants in these things ; (Deut. vi. 6. 7.) get into good company that set their faces heaven- ward, and will teach you the way, and help you thither; and take heed of the company of wicked scorners, or foolish, voluptuous, fleshly men, or any that would hinder you in this work. Will you do these things ? Or will you show that you are slighters of Christ by neglecting them? 8. Will you do all this with delight ; not as your toil, but as your pleasure ; and take it for your highest honor that you may be Christ's disciples, and maybe admitted to serve and worship him ; and re- joice with holy confidence in the sufficiency of that sacrifice by which you may have pardon ofall your failings, and right to the in- heritance of the saints in light ? If youwill do these things sincere- ly, you will show that you set by Christ and salvation ; else not. Dearly beloved in the Lord, I have now done that work which I came upon ; what effect it bath, or will have upon your hearts, I know not, nor is it any further in my power to accomplish that which my soul desireth for you. Were it the Lord's will that I might have my wish herein, the words that you have this day heard should so stick by you, that the secure should be awakened by them, and none of you should perish by the slighting of your salvation. I cannot now follow you to your several habitations to apply this word toyour particular necessities ; but O that I could make every man's conscience a preacher to himself, that, it might do it which is ever with you ; that the- next time you go prayerless to bed or about your business,conscience might cry out, ' Dostthou s'et no more by Christ and thy salvation?' That the next time you are tempted to think hardly of a holy and diligent life, (I will not say to deride it as more ado than needs,) conscience might cry out to thee, Dost thou set so light by Christ and thysalvation ?' That the next time you are ready to rush upon known sin, and to please your fleshly desires against the command ofGod, conscience might cry out, ' Is Christ and salvation no more worth, than to cast them away, or venture them for thy lusts ?' That when you are follow-