Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

158 BAXTER'S DYING THOUWTS. divine mercy encouraged me in his sacred wort ! How congru- ously did he choose every place of my. ministration and habitation to this day, without my own forecast or seeking ! When, and where, since he first sent me forth, did I labor in vain? How many are gone to heaven, and how many are in the way, to whom he bath blessed the word, which, in weakness, I did, byhis grace and prov- idence, deliver ! Many good Christians are glad of now and then an hour's time to meditate on God's word, and .recreate themselves in his holy worship ; but God háth allowed and called me to make it the constant business of my life. My library bath offered me both profitable and pleasant company and help, at all times, whenever I would use them. I- have dwelt among the shining lights which the learned, wise and holy men of all ages have set up, and left to illuminate the world. How many comfort- able hours have I had in the society of living saints, and in the love of faithful friends ! How many joyful days have I had in the solemn assemblies, where God hath been worshiped in seriousness and alacrity, by concordant (though imperfect) saints.; where the spirit of Christ bath manifested his presence, by helping myself and my brethren in speaking, and the people in ready, delightful hear- ing, and all of us in loving and gladly receiving his doctrine, cove- nant, and laws! How unworthy was such a sinful worm as I, (who never had any academical helps, nor much from the mouth of any teacher,) that books should become so great a blessing to me, and that, quite beyond my own intentions, God should induce or con- strain me to provide any such like helps for- others ! How unwor- thywas I to be kept 'from the multiplied snares of sects and errors which reigned in this age, and to be used as a means for othermen's preservationand reduction ; and to be kept in a love of unity and peace ! How unworthywas I that God should make known to me so much of his reconciling truth, while extremes did round about prevail, and were commended to the churches by the advantage of piety on one side, and of worldly prosperity and power on the other ; and that. God should use me above forty years in so com- fortable a work as to plead and write for love, peace, and concord, and to vouchsafe me so much successtherein as he bath done, not- withstanding the general prevalency.of the contentious military tribe! MercyI have had inpeace, and liberty in times of violence; and mercy I have had in wars, living two years in safety in a city of defense, in theverymidst ofthe land, (Coventry,) andseeing no enemy while the kingdom was in wars and flames; and only hear- ing of thecommon calamities round about ; and when I went abroad and saw the effects of human folly and fury, and of God's displeas- ure, he mercifully kept me from hurting any one, and being hurt byany. How many atime bath he preserved me, by day and night,