Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

BÁXTER'S 'DYING THOIIGItT3. 179 difficulties, and which cost me dearest to the flesh, and the great- est self-denial and patience in my reluctant mind. Wherever I have erred, Lord, make it known to me, that my confession may prevent the sin of others; and where I have not erred, confirm and accept me in the right. And, seeing an unworthy worm hath had so many testimonies of thy tender love, let me not be like to them, that, when thou saidst, 'I loved you,' unthankfully asked, ' Wherein hast thou loved us ?' Mal. i. 2. Heaven is not more spangled with stars than thy word and works with the refulgent signatures of love. Thy well-belov- ed Son, the Son of thy love, undertaking the office, message, and work of the greatest love, was fall of that Spirit which is love, which he sheds abroad in the hearts of thine .elect, that the love of, the Father, the grace of the Son, and the communion of the Spirit, may be their hope and life. His works, his sufferings, his gifts, as well as his comfortable word, did say to his disciples, "As the Father loved me, so have I loved you ; continue ye in my love ; " John xv. 9. And how,, Lord, shall we continue in it, but by the thankful belief of thy love and loveliness, desiring still to love thee more, and in all things to know and please thy will ; which 'thou knowest is my soul's desire. Behold, then, O my soul, with what love the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have loved thee, that thou shouldest bemade and called a son of God, redeemed, regenerate, adopted into that covenant state of grace in which thou standest. " Rejoice, therefore, in hope of the glory of God, being justified by faith, having peace with God, and access, by faith and hope, that maketh not ashamed ; that, being reconciled, when an enemy, by the death of Christ, .I shall be saved by his life ; " Rom. v. 1, 2. Having lovedhis own, 'to the end he loveth them, and without end. His gifts and calling are without repentance. When Satan, and thy flesh, would hide God's love, look to Christ, and read the golden words of love in the sacred gospel; and peruse thy many recorded experiences, and remember the convictions which secret and open mercies have many a time afforded thee. But especially draw nearer to the Lord of love, and be not seldom and slight in thy contemplations of his love and loveliness ; dwell in the sunshine, and thou wilt know that it is light, and warm, and, comfortable. Distance and strangeness cherish thy doubts ; acquaint thyself with him, and be at peace. Yet look up, and oft and earnestly look up, after thy ascended, glorified Head, who said, "Tell my brethren I ascend to my Fa- tlrer and your Father, to my God and your God." Think where and what he is, and what he is now doing for all his own; and how humbled, abased, suffering love is now triumphant, regnant, sr