Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

A PP1:IVDIX. 19:) by a Mediator: all our receivings from God are by him, and. all our services are returned by him, and accepted for his sake. And d's he is the Mediator between his Father and us, his Spirit inter- cedeth between him and us. By his Spirit he giveth us holy de- sires, and every grace. And by his Spirit we exercise them in returns tohim. And our glorified Savior hath Satan, and all our enemies, in his power ; life and death ark at his command; all judgment is com- mitted to him. He that bath redeemed us is preparing us for heaven, and it for us, and receiveth our departing souls to his own joy and glory. He bath promised us that we shall be with himwhere he is, and shall she his glory. He that is our Savior will be our Judge. He will come with thousands ofhis angel's, to the confusion of wicked unbelievers, and to be glorified in his saints. He will make a new heaven and a new earth, in which righteous- ness shall dwell. Angels and glorified saints shall, with Christ our.Head, make one city. of God, or holy society and choir, in per- fect love and joy, to praise the blessed God forever., The Differences between this World and that which I ans going to. I. This world is God's footstool. That is his throne. II. Here are his works of inferior nature and of grace. There he shineth forth in perfect glory. III. Here is gross, receptive matter,;moved by invisible powers. There are the noblestefficient communicative powers, moving all. IV. This is the inferior, subject, governed world. That is the superior, regent world. V. This is a world of trial, where the soul is his that can win its consent. That is a world where the will is perfectly deter- mined and fixed. VI. Satan, winningmen's consent, bath here a large dominion of fools. There he is cast out, and hath no possession. VII. Here he is a tempter and troubler of the best. There he hath neither power to tempt nor trouble. VIII. This world is as the dark womb, where we are regenerat- ed. That is the world of glorious light, into which we are born. IX. Here we dwell . on a world of sordid earth. There we shall dwell in a world of celestial light and glory. X. Here we dwell ina troublesome, tempting, perishing body. There we are delivered from thisburden and prison into glorious liberty. XI. Here wè are under a troublesome cure of our maladies. There we are perfectly healed, rejoicing in our Physician's praise.