Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

196 BAXTER'S DYING THOUGHTS. XII. Here we are using the' means in weariness and. hope. There we obtain the end in full fruition, XIII. Here sin maketh-us loathsome to ourselves, and our owl annoyance. There we shall love God in ourselves, and our per- fect selves in God. XIV. Jere all our duties are defiled'with sinful imperfection. There perfect souls will perfectly love and praise their God. XV. Here. Satan's temptations are a continual danger and mol- estation. There perfect victory'bath ended our temptations. XVI. Here still there is a remnant of the curse and punishment of sin. Pardon and deliverance are perfected there. XVII. Repenting, shame, sorrow, and fear, are here part of my necessary work. There all the troublesome part is past, and utterly excluded. XVIII. Here we see darkly, as in a glass, the invisible world of spirits. There we shall see them as fade to face. XIX. Here faith, alas! too weak, must serve instead of sight. There presence and sight suspend the use of such believing. XX. Desire and hope are here our very life and work. But there it will be full felicity in fruition.. XXI. Our hopes are here oft mixed' with grievous doubts and fears. But there full possession ends them all. XXII. Our holy affections are here corrupted with carnal mix- tures. But there allure purely holy and divine. XXIII. The coldness of our divine love is here our sin and misery., The perfection of it will b@ there our perfect holiness and joy. XXIV. Here, though the will itselfbe imperfect, we cannot be and do what we would. There will, and deed, and attainment, will all be fully perfect. XXV. Here, by ignorance and self-love, I have desires which God denieth, There perfect desires shall' be perfectly fulfilled. XXVI. Here pinching wants of something or other, and trou- blesome cares, are daily burdens. .Nothing is there wanting, and God bath ended all their cares. XXVII. Sense here rebelleth against faith and reason, and oft overcometh. Sense there shall be only holy, and no discord be in our faculties or acts. XXVIII. Pleasures and contents here are short, narrow, and twisted with their `contraries. There they are objectively pure and boundless, and and absolute. XXIX. Vanity and vexation are here the titles of transitory things. Reality, perfection, and glory, are the titles of the things above. XXX. This world is a point of God's creation, a narrow place