Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

APPENDIX. 197 for a few passengers. Above are the vast, capacious regions, sufficient for all saints and angels. XXXI. This world is as Newgate, and hell as Tyburn ; some are hence saved, and some condemned. The other world is the glorious kingdomof Jehovah with the blessed. . XXXII It was here that Christ was tempted, scorned, and crucified. It is there where he reigneth in glory over all. XXXIII. The ,spiritual life is here as a spark or seed. It is there a glorious flame of love, and joy, and the perfect fruit and flower. XXXIV. We have here but the first-fruits, earnest, and pledge. There is the full and glorious harvest and perfection. XXXV We are here children in minority, little differing from servants. There we shall have full possession of the inheritance. XXXVI. The prospect of pain, death, grave, and rottenness, blasteth all the pleasures here. There is no death, or any fear of the ending of felicity. XXXVII. Here even God's word is imperfectly understood, and errors swarm, even in the best. All mysteries of nature and grace are there unveiled in the world of light. XXXVIII. Many of God's promises are here unfulfilled, and our prayers 'unanswered. There truth shineth in the full perform- ance of them all. XXXIX. Our grace is here so weak, and hearts so dark; that our sincerity is oft doubted of. There the flames of love and joy leave no place for such a doubt. XL. By our inconstancy, here one day is joyful and another sad. But there our joys have no interruption. XLI, We dwell here with sinful companions, like ourselves, in flesh. Thereholy angels and souls,with Christ, are all our company. XLII. Our best friends and helpers are here, in part, our hinderers by sin. There all concur, in the harmony of active love. XLIII. Our errors and corruptions make us also hurtful and troublesome to our friends. But there both Christ and they for- give us, and we shall trouble them no more. XLIV. Selfishness and cross interests here jar, and mar our conversation. There perfect love will make the joy of every saint and angel mine. XLV. A militant church imperfectly sanctified here liveth in scandal and sad divisions. The glorious church united in God in perfect love bath no contention. XLVI. Sin and error here turn our very public worship into jars. The celestial harmony of joyfpl love and praise is, to mor- tals, inconceivable.