Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

202 BAXTER'S DYING THOUGHTS. cannot do. : 3. And I knew that it is a substance that hath these powers ; for nothing can do nothing. My soul, then, being certainly an. intellective, volitive, vital sub- stance, 1. I have no reason to think, that God, who annihilateth not the least sand, will annihilate soonoble a substance. 2. Nor that he will destroy those powers which are its essential form, and turn it into some other thing. 3. .Nor that such essential powers shall lie as dead and unactive, and so be continued in vain. 4. There remaining, therefore, nothing uncertain to natural rea- son, but the continuanceof individuation to separate souls, (1.) Apparitions and witches have put that out of doubt, notwithstand- ing many fables and delusions. (2.) Christ hath put it more out of doubt. (3.) While substance, faculties, and acts continue, it is the error of our selfish state in flesh, which maketh any fear too near an union, which shall end our individuation. The greatest union will be the greatest perfection, and no loss to souls. XV. God's wonderful providences for the church and single saints on earth are such as tell us of that love and care, which will bring them afterwards to him. XVI. The nature of God taketh off theterror of my departure much : I am sure I shall die at the will, and into thehand, of infi= Hite essential love and goodness,-.--whose love should draw up my longing soul. XVII. I am going to a God whose mercies have long told me, that he loveth me better than my dearest friend doth, and better than I love myself, and is a far better chooser of my lot. XVIII. As he hath absolute right to dispose of his own, so in- deed the fulfilling of his will is the ultimate end of all things, and therefore most desirable in itself; and his will shall be fulfilled on me. XIX. I go to a glorified Savior, who came down to fetch me up, and hath conquered and sanctified death, and made it my birth-day for glory, and taketh me for his dear-bought own and interest, and is in glory ready to receive his own. XX. I go to that Savior who, on the cross, commendeth his spirit into his Father's hand, and taught me, with dying Stephen, to say, " Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." XXI; I go no solitary, untrodden way, but follow all the faith-. ful since the death of Abel, to this day, (save Enoch and Elias) who all went by death into that glorious world, where I shall find them. XXII. I have so long groaned under a languid body, and in a blind, distracted, and (by man) uncurable world, where Satan, by lies, malice, and murder, reigneth inalas ! how many ; and espe-