Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

APPENDIX. 203 cially am so weary of my own darkness, and sinful imperfection, that I have great reason to be willing of deliverance. XXIII. I have had so large a share of mercies in this world al- ready, in time, and manifold comforts from God, that reason com- mandeth me to rest in God's time formy removal. XXIV. I shall leave some fruits, not useless, to serve the church when I am gone ; and if good be done, I have my end. XXV. When I am gone, God will raise upAnd use others to do his appointed work on. earth; and a church shall be continued to his praise ; and the spirits in heaven will rejoice therein. XXVI. When I am gone, I shall not wish to be again on earth. XXVII. Satan, by his temptations, and all his instruments, would never have done so much as he doth in theworld to keep us from heaven, if there were not a heaven which conquerors obtain. XXVIII. When darkness and uncertainty ofthe manner of the action and fruitionof separated souls would daunt me, it is enough to know explicitly so much as is explicitly revealed, and implicitly to trust Christ with all the rest: our eyes are in our Head, who knoweth for us. Knowledge of glory is part of fruition.; and therefore we must expect here no more than is suited to a life of faith. XXIX. All my part is to do my own duty, and then trustGod ; obeying his commanding will, and fully and joyfully resting in his disposing and rewarding, will. There is no rest for souls but in the will of God; and there with full trust to repose our souls, in life, and at death, is the only way of a safe and comfortable de- parture. XXX. The glorious marriage-day of the Lamb cannot nowbe far off, when the number of the elect shall be complete, and Christ will come with his glorious angels, and will be glorified in his saints, and admired in all believers, and there shall be a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.; and that kingdom shall come, where that which God bath prepared for them that love him, eye bath not seen, ear bath not heard, nor bath it entered into the heart of man to have a formal, full con- ception of it. Come, Lord Jesus; come quickly.. Amen. Fear not, then, O my soul, to lay down this' flesh : mercy hath kept it up for my preparing work; but, O, what a burdensome and chargeable companion bath it been! Is it better than the dwelling-place of perfect spirits? O, what are my groans, . and all my cold and faint petitions, and my dull thanksgiving, to their har- monious, joyful praise! If a .day in God's courts be better than a thousand, what is a day, yea, what is everlastingness, in the heavenly society and work ! O, how hateful a thing is darkness