Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

204 BAXTER'S DYING THOUGHTS. and unbelief, when the remnants of them thus stop poor souls in their ascent, and make us half unwilling to go home! What! un- willing to be with my glorified Lord! Unwilling to be with saints and angels, who are all life, and' light, and love! Unwilling to see the glory of Jehovah! O foolish, sinful soul! hath Christ done so much to purchase the heavenly glory for thee, and now art thou unwilling to go into the possession ofit ? Hast thou been seeking, and praying, and laboring, and suffering so many years, for that which now thou seemest scarce willing to obtain? Dot thou not judge thyself unworthy of eternal life, when thou no more . desirest to enjoy it? All this is along of thy too'much adherence unto self and sense: thou art still desiring sensitive, satisfaction, and, not content to know thy part, wouldest know that for thyself which Christ knoweth for thee; as if thou couldest better trust thyself than him. Fear not, weak soul ; it is our Father's good pleasure to give thee the kingdom. Trust infinite 'power, wisdom and love : trust that faithful, gracious Savior, who hath so wonder- fully merited to be trusted: trust that promise which never de- ceived any one, and which is confirmed by so many miracles, and by the oath, and by the Spirit of God. Whenever thou departest from this house of flesh, the arms of mercy are open to embrsce thee ; yea, essential, transcendent love is ready to receive thee : the Spirit of love bath sealed thee to . that blessed state : Christ will present thee justified and accepted., Most of my old, holy, familiar friends are gone before me, and all the rest that died since the world began. , And the few imperfect ones left behind are basting after them apace, and if I go before, will quickly overtake me: though they weep as if it were for a long separation, it is their great mistake : the gate ofdeath stands all day open, and my sorrowful friends are quickly following me, as I am now following those for whom I . sorrowed. O, pity them who are left awhile under the" temptations, dangers, and fears, which have so long been thine own affliction ! but be not afraid of the day of thy de- liverance, and the bosom of everlasting love, and the society of the wise, and just, and holy, and of the end of all thytroubles, and the entrance into the joy of thy Lord, and the place and state of all thy hope. O, say, not notionally only, as from argumenta- tive conviction, but, confidently, and with glad desire and hope, to depart and be with Christ, is far better'than to be here. But, O my God, Ihave much more hope in speaking to thee than to myself. Long may I'plead with this dark and dull, yet fearful soul, before I can plead it into joyful hopes and heavenly desires, unless thou shine on it with the light of thy countenance, and thou, whom my soul must trust and love, wilt give the faith' and love themselves. I thank thee for convincing arguments ; but