Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

APPENDIX. 205 had this been all the strength of my faith and hope, the tempter Might have proved too subtle forme in dispute. I thank thee, that some experience tells me that a holy appetite to heavenly work, and a love to the heavenly company and state, doth more to make mewilling to die, and think with pleasure of my change, thanever bare arguments would have done. O, send down the streams of thy love into my soul, and that will powerfully draw it up by long- ings for the nearand full fruition ! O, give me more of the divine and heavenly nature, and it will be natural and easy to me to de- sire to be with thee : send more of the heavenly joys into this soul, and it will long for heaven; the place of joy! I must not hope on earth for any such acquaintance with the world above as is proper to the enjoying state. But if the sun can send its illuminating, warming rays to such a world as this, according to the various disposition of the recipients, doubtless thou hast thy effectual, though unsearchable, ways of illuminating, sanctifying, and attrac- tive influence on souls.' And one such beam of thy pleased face, one taste of thy complacential love, Will kindle My love, and draw up my desires, and make my pains and sickness tolerable. I shall then put off this clothing with the less reluctancy, and willingly leave my flesh to the dust, and sing my nunc dimittis, when I have thus seen and tasted thy salvation. O, my God, let not thy strengthening, comforting grace now forsake me, lest it should overwhelmme with the fears ofbeing finally forsaken. Dwell in me as the God of love and joy, that I may long to dwell in love and joy with thee forever. As grace abounded where sin abound- ed, let thy strengthening and comforting mercy abound whenweak- ness increaseth, and my necessities abound. My flesh and my heart faileth, but thou art the strength of my 'heart, and my portion forever: this short life is almost at an end ; but thy loving kind- ness is better than life. I know not with what pains thou wilt fur- ther try me ; but if I love thee, thou hast promised that all things shall work together for my good. ' The world that I am going to by death is not apparent to my sight; but my life, is hid with Christ in God, and because he liveth we shall live; and we shall be with him where he is ; and when he appeareth, we shall appear with him in glory, and shall enter into our Master's joy, and be forever with the Lord. Amen. What sensible Manifestation of his Kingdom Christ gave in his Transfiguration. 1. Our Lord, who brought life and immortality to light, well knew the difficulty of believing so great things unseen; and there- fore it pleased him to give men some sensible helps by demonstra-