Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

206 BAXTER'S DYING THOUGHTS. tion. In Matt. xví. and xvii. 1, 2, &c. Mark ix. 1. Luke ix. 28. he promisedsome of the disciples a sight ofhis kingdom, as coming in power; or such a glimpse as Moses had of the back parts of God's glory: this he performed first in his transfiguration, as after- ward in his resurrection, ascensión, and sending the Holy Ghost to enable them, with power to preach, and work miracles,and convert the nations. 2. By the kingdom of God, is meant God's, government of bis holy ones, by a heavenly communication of life, light and love, in- itially on earth by grace, and perfectly in heaven by glory a special theocracy. 3. For the understanding of this, we must know, that when God hadmade man good, in his image, he conversed with him ina heav- enly manner, either immediately or by an angel, speaking to him, and telling him his will. But man being made a free, self-deter- mining agent, he was left to choose whom he would follow ; and, hearkening unto Satan, and turning fromGod, he became a slave of Satan, and gave him advantage to be his deceiving ruler not that man's rebellionnullified God's power, or disposinggovernment, or took man fromunder obligation to obedience ; but that, forsak- ing God, he was much, though not wholly, forsaken by his special fatherly, approving government, and left to Satan and his own will; but the eternal Word interposing for man's reprival and re- demption, undertook to break the serpent's head, and to conquer and cast out him that had deceived and captivated man; and, choosing out a special seed, he made them a peculiar people, and set up a heavenly, prophetical government over them, himself, by heavenly revelation, making their laws, and choosing their chief governors under him, from time to time, and would not leave it to blind and sinful man tó make laws, or choose princes, for them- selves, but would keep them in a special dependence upon Heaven. But the carnal Israelites, having provoked God by odious idolatry, to denythem much of thebenefit <of government, (save when they repented, and cried to him for help), they thought to amend this, by choosing a king like other nations, and ending their depend- ence on heavenly relation, and choice for government; and so the- ocracy was turned into a more human regiment, and God more cast off; though yet he would not quite forsake them. And the rest of the world was yet more left under the power of Satan, and their own corrupted mind and will; so that Satan hath both an internal kingdom in wicked souls, and a visible political govern- ment of the wicked kingdoms of the world, ruling them by men that are ruled by him. And as Christ came to cast him out of men's hearts, by his sanctifying, conquering Spirit, so also to cast him out of the political government of the kingdoms of the world,