Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

APPENDIX. 215 against Cesar, and' write this last as his accusation on his cross, thinking to leave his innocency no vindication or defence. For the Lord and Savior, of the world to undergo all this, is very instruct- ing to a suffering.believer ; that he should, as such a malefactor, be reviled on a cross, and numbered with transgressors, and his side be pierced, and he there cryout to his Fatheras forsaken by him ; that thus dying he was buried, and his soul went to the place of separated souls, and yet into paradise. They are excellent lessons which may be learned from all this. I am not tó suffer for others, nor tomake God's justice a satisfy- ing sacrifice,for sin, as Christ did; but I must suffer God's fatherly corrections, and the castigation of paternal, healingjustice. I must be saved as by fire, and pass through this purgatory, that I may be refined: I must suffer from Christ and for Christ, for my sin, and also for righteousness' sake ; and I must, with a filial justification of God's holiness and chastening justice, bear his indignation, because I have sinned against him. I' am predestined to be conformed to Christ's image, in suffering and in sanctity ; (Rom. viii. 30, &'c.) yea, I must " count all things loss for the excellency ofthe knowl- edge of Christ Jesus my Lord," for whom I must not refuse to suffer the loss of all things, and count them dung, that I may win him, and be found in him, and not only know the power of his res- urrection, but also the "fellowship of his sufferings, and be made conformable to his death ;" Phil. iii. 8-10. Paul rejoiced in such infirmities, and in his suffering for the church, filling up that which was behind of the afflictions of Christ in his flesh ; Col, i. 24. Peter bids us " rejoice, inasmuch as we are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that when his glory shall be revealed, we may be glad also with exceeding joy ; " 1 Peter iv. 13. " If we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified with him ; " Rom. vii. 17. It is a great gift to suffer for his sake ; Phil. i. 29. It is for the kingdom of God that such suffer; 2 Thess. i. 5. It- is happiness and joy to suffer for righteousness' sake, for well doing ; 1 Pet, ii. 10. and iii. 14. 17. and iv. 15, 16. 19. Matt. v. 10, 11. It is the sufferings of Christ that abound in such, that theirconsolations may abound ; . 2 Cor, i..5. But, alas ! . I suffer much more for my own sin than for Christ and righteousness : but even this alsoby the cross ofChrist is sanc- tified, and made a great remedyagainst my sin. As Christ suffer- ed for our sins, andyet merited byhis suffering, so if we accept the castigatory punishment, and exercise repentance and mortification in our suffering, and an obedient submission to the rod, God will take this as acceptable service, and bless it to our further good. 13. But how is it that Christ is said " to learn obedience by the things thathe suffered, and so to be made perfect ? " Heb. v. 8, 9.