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. APPENDIX. .225 joy! And it is not a small mercy to me, that I can think of the multitudes now in heaven, of whose conversion and salvation God hath made my weak endeavors a prosperous means. O, what a mercy is it t'o think on, that while I am yet compassed with temp- tations, and languishing .in weakness, and groaning in pain, and, worst of all, burdened with a dark and sinful soul, ,so many are past all this with Christ, by means ofany help which he sent them by my labors! It hath oft humbled me greatly to read, in the lives of such men as John Janeway and 'Joseph Allen, how much of their proficiency they ascribed to my writings, and how far they overwent me, and left me quite behind them in holy delights. and praises of God. But how much more am I below a multitude now in heaven, who called me father here on earth ! And ifhere I must rejoice with them that rejoice, as well as mourn with them that mourn, why should.' not much more rejoice with all the blessed society above; and more familiarly with my old acquaintance, pupils, and dear 'friends? My love should be most to the best; and therefore more to them than to any other of my friends; and, therefore, my union with them being closer, and their felicity far greater, I should think with more joy of them than, of any left,behind. Theyare safe in the harbor, past all our dangerous storms and waves ; and though theyknow, or will know, more of my sins than they did, and hate them more, yet they that feel the comfort of the pardon of their own, will imitate God in pardoning me, and rejoice in God's forgiveness of -me. Though their vile bodies lie like common dust, how much better do -they now know the love of God, the mysteries of grace, the heavenly glory, the state of spirits in .the city of God, than I do, who was wont to preach it to them ! God, that sent down Moses and Elias, tg show that saints in heaven and on earth have com- munion, will bring me, and my 'friends, now in heaven, together again, into a far sweeter communion than ever we had here. 26. It is no great wonder that Peter should be transported with this glorious' sight; and greatly delighted with this heavenly comp-. munion, and say, "Master, it is good for us to be here." Would Dot a sight, -a glimpse of heavenhave transported any holy soul; yea, even those that now lie in tears and fears, and are overwhelm- ed with doubts and troubles ? When they are grOping after God, and groaning on their knees, because they feel more of his frowns than of his love, if then they had such a sight as this, what a change would it make upon them ! Perhaps you will say, that the doubt of their own sincerity might still deprive them of their joy. No ; this sight would banish doubts and troubles. It is a communication of love, and such as 'will fully convince the com- municants. VOL. u. 29